Our Neighbors, Our Cousins

Janice Ha

CNL sent a prayer cum profiling team to her fourth Unreached People Group (UPG) in Asia from 2 to 9 Nov. They went to visit the RM-people in SE Asia*.

Our trip coincided with the start of the fasting month. We got to talk to an old lady the day before Ramadan. She has blackened teeth and you could tell that she is a chain smoker. When we asked about her smoking habit having to be put on hold the next day onwards, she shrugged her shoulders and said she will give it up - no choice, because its her faith. She has no idea why she is fasting except for the fact that her ancestors before her as well as all those around her observe this practice.

Friendly and Warm

God showed us His heart for the Muslims through Genesis 21:14-20. He heard the voice of Ishmael — God “heard the voice of the lad where he is” (v.17). Ishmael’s cries for deliverance did not go unheeded by the Lord. God heard him “WHERE HE IS”. Wherever our cousins are in their spiritual condition, God hears their cries for deliverance! It was in answer to his cries, that He spoke to his mother to "Arise, lift up the lad and hold him with your hand…"" (v.18) - an encouragement to not give up hope for our cousins. To constantly hold them, in our hands, in prayer!

Prayer Pointers
  1. Pray for a supernatural move of God to reveal Jesus to many (Isaiah 52:10)
  2. Pray against the powers of darkness that seek to cause false dreams and counterfeit experiences (Eph 6:12)

**For security reasons, the name and location of the UPG is withheld**