The Next Big Thing
Janice Ha, Intern
“So when are you going back?” is the most frequent question I get when I came home after 6 months stint on the field. Those 6 months were the best of times for me and when people ask me when I plan to return, I wish I could say ‘next week’ or something!
Spending time with our missionaries in the field opened a big window to God for me. It taught me new truths that debunked my previous notion of “mountain and valley”. As much as we know that our God is God of the mountains and the valleys, most of us prefer to be in the mountain than in the valley because mountains speak of life and blessings, whereas valleys speak of death and depression. Well, I discovered that mountain tops are the most inhospitable places to be! The air is thin, the weather is sub-zero and sudden killer storms are the norm. On the other hand, valleys are rich with nutrients and life. The weather is mild and water is in abundance because its in the valley that you’d find a meandering river! Living in the valley is easy and blessed. Living in the mountain is cold, unpredictable and inaccessible. In fact, the higher the mountain, the harsher it will be.
Philippines Sunset
Nepal Sunset
So what’s next? After years of living comfortably in the valley, I understand that God is calling me up the mountain. And so, the next big thing for me is going away from home to undergo 2 years of missions training in Australia. Why Australia? Because the school is strongly recommended by our missionaries. (Don’t you agree that our missionaries have a very good track record?)
I know I can leave my family in the safe hands of Father and CNL. Nothing is more secure than living in the center of God’s will. Thank you all for sharing in my experience and for being such great rope-holders! I pray that you, too will know God’s will, see Jesus and to hear His voice (Acts 22:14) everyday.