His Grace is Sufficient For Me
Lai Fong and Esther joined YWAM’s Joshua Team 2001 on a profiling trip to one of the most unreached people groups of China. There, they learnt more about the Yao Chinese, God and themselves.
Lai Fong
From the 12th to 18th of May this year, I embarked on a journey to witness to the unreached people groups of China as part of the Joshua Team 2001 course organised by YWAM.
The trip confirmed God’s faithfulness as everything went smoothly wihout a hitch. I even experienced His healing touch just before we set off for China with the team.
A day before we left, I had returned from a holiday in the States and was suffering severe jetlag. The next morning I had a very bad migraine; so bad I wanted to give up. But God had other plans and did not want me to miss any of the good stuff He had in store for me. So He miraculously healed me just as I went up to the immigration counter!
His grace sheltered me throughout the trip, physically and spiritually. Knowing my limitations, I felt safe in Him even as the team endured horrendous living conditions. We had to fight with insects flying all over our bedrooms and rats feeding on the pumpkin which was intended for our breakfast, lunch and dinner the next day.
The toilets were in an unimaginable condition. We even had to hike up narrow, clay roads flanked either by small waterfalls or steep cliffs with a five-metre drop. Thankfully, the weather was good & hot! The land was dry for us to walk about without any difficulty. Despite all these things, I was O.K.
Lai Fong Returning for more
Esther Liaw
My lesson from this trip was that of unconditional, perfect love. The Yao Chinese are precious in the Lord’s eyes even before they come to know Him, and that was why we were there by His divine appointment. More than just a sense of pity for their state, we realised helping them physically and alleviating their the state of poverty would not end their misery. They need God to make them complete. I understood from this experience what Jesus felt when He saw the multitudes scurrying about like lost sheep. During this trip, God also demonstrated to me how to love people despite cultural boundaries through the example of workers serving in China. The amount of time and effort the workers commit to this endeavour goes way beyond their personal commitment and comfort zone. If this isn’t love, I can’t think of a better word. Without Him nothing I mentioned would have been possible.
Yes, God showed me how I can help too. I discovered that I could manage some basic English lessons with the children in the village, and that gives me a reason for future visits.
I was not on a spiritual ‘high’ before the trip. I was just cruising with Jesus. But I wanted to go to the next level in my spiritual walk with Him. The Joshua Team 2001 trip was basically a trip to profile an Unreached People Group. Still, I was looking forward to the trip, which differed from the other mission trips I have been on. Also, it was to China, a country I had never visited. ‘Hearing God’s voice on a mission trip’ was my objective.
I had heard that China was a closed country, did not welcome missionaries, had no churches and that I had to be extra, extra careful when sharing. On the second day, we were told to pray and worship in a room. And during the worship we were repeatedly told to lower our voices. I took it really hard. Why couldn’t I just worship? I was just worshipping the God that I love! I realised I had taken for granted the freedom that I have back home. Throughout the trip, I saw that Communism was one of the main reasons why many Chinese had not heard the Good News.
I am Chinese!
During the trip, I suddenly realised how Chinese I was. I could read and understand all the signboards because they were all in Chinese. I also realised that God had actually pre-exposed me to Chinese culture. I had been living with two Chinese nationals in my own house and I had taken them for granted! My sister-in-law and her mum, from Suzhou, have stayed with us for the past two years. When I was in China, I realised how Chinese they were and how I had gotten used to them. So it was easy for me to slip into the culture. There was no culture shock for me.
God says ‘Let me show you’
On the second day, during a quick quiet time, I felt God said ‘ Let me show you’. The day was spent climbing up the mountain and talking to the people in their homes. The toilets were intolerable, the mountain road was tiring, the houses were dirty with flies, dogs, mosquitoes, and more. I confess that I had wanted to quit. I told God I was not made to be a missionary. By the end of the day, I wanted to go home. I thought this was what God wanted to show me.
But God encouraged me. If Jesus, being a King, can leave His glory to come and live among us, then I can leave my comfortable home, to live with these people too. I was encouraged to go on.
Esther Proud to be Chinese
Teaching and Missions
Last year, I was given a chance to teach in a school in South Asia. Since then, I have thought it would be nice if I could teach in a school in South-East Asia during each school holiday. There was no such arrangement during this trip, however, and I wasn’t expecting it.
Imagine how thrilled I was when we were asked to teach the children in the village school during this trip! It was as if God was saying, “See, Esther, I can make it happen”, referring to the ‘wish’ I had. The whole teaching session was only about 30 minutes. I used the balloons I had brought to make a dog and teach the children some English words.
At the end of the lesson, the children gathered in the basketball court to take a picture with us. I saw them holding up the balloons proudly, and again it felt like God was saying “See, Esther, if you are willing to make use of the little thing you know, I can make it into something big and meaningful to the people there!”
The next day, we visited a Singaporean lady teacher. Hearing from her was again a bonus for me. I was humbled. It was another confirmation from God regarding teaching and missions.
Spiritual poverty
From studies of various ethnic groups, I found they shared one thing in common – Poverty. And as I thought about it, I realised it was not just physical poverty, but spiritual poverty. They all need Jesus! He is the answer to all their problems. We can help them develop water systems and road systems, but it is only when they have Jesus that they will be able to look beyond their poverty and not be resentful. I was so thrilled when another brother from the team shared about God showing him Jesus and the Samaritan woman at the well, and in it, spiritual poverty.
What God has shown me on this trip is more than enough to make up for all the unpleasant moments. There are still doubts, and many questions unanswered, but I will continue to trust that He will show me more.