God Paves, I Walk, He Works

Yeo Say Ann

In my life I had never imagined I would ever go on a mission trip. The hassle of arranging for a dialysis session in the Philippines is just not very feasible as there are no known dialysis centres there.

So I made a bargain with God. I said I will go on this trip if you can provide a dialysis centre somewhere, somehow. So, I went on an adventure trying to arrange dialysis in the Philippines.

A life of Grace, a trip by Grace

I called Baxter Healthcare in Singapore. They forwarded me to their branch in Cebu. There, a Sales Manager called BONG recommended that I dialyse at the “Perpetual Succour Hospital” in Cebu. He would make the neccessary arrangements for me to be dialysied there. Praise God, he kept his side of the bargain!

A step of faith and fun

The trip itself was an eye-opener for me. Tacloban is like Singapore at leat 30 years ago, just before industrialisation hit Singapore.

It is quite bustling there, with trade activities going on. However, Ormoc was really quiet. A forgotten little province where the fiercest battle for the Leyte Gulf occured in World War II between the Japanese and the Americans.

From my observations, what struck me most was the degeneration of the Filipino family nucleus. In Cebu, the entire dialysis group of nurses gave me their contact information to ask for help in seeking employment opportunities in Singapore. Through these insights, God revealed to me that there is a ministry out there for businesses. Creating jobs through investments helps missionaries plant churches. This partnership will not only lead to church growth but also wealth creation. Through this approach, families within the church will be ministered holistically and kept together as a family. They need not be separated.

This ministry has been impressing on my mind since the return from the mission trip. God is good, He has paved the way for me to resign from my job, running my uncle’s business, and to strike out on my own.

I believe the vision that God has placed in my heart through this trip will be fulfilled in His time and way. So, please pray together with me.