Forever Is Not Enough

Janice Ha

My stint with CNL-Philippines is over and boy, did I have the time of my life! Believe me, it was so good, forever is not enough! (By the way, ‘Forever is not Enough’ is the title of a very popular filipino song, now hogging the airwaves over there).

Thank God for Michelle, who is from FCBC, who took 3 months of no-pay leave from work in order to come to CNL-Philippines to serve and to learn. Her term was from August to October and her coming certainly made life more interesting for me. Both of us were sent to CNL-Ormoc for a month to strengthen and encourage the fledging work there.

TWO IS A COMPANY – Michelle and me

CNL-ORMOC SUNDAY SERVICE – It was my honour and horror to have to preach!

RIVER THAT RUNS BETWEEN – Nothing is going to stop us

VISITATION – We encouraged the people by our presence and prayers

While in Ormoc, we did plenty of visitations! Some members lived so far away, we had to take a tricyle, cross a river, climb a hill with more than 100 steps, walk across multiple rice fields before we arrived at a small cluster of little bamboo huts. The people loved our coming, even though we could not understand each other. Ps Jasmin, pastor of CNL-Ormoc, did most of the talking and ministering. Many miracles happened during our visits. Barely 5 minutes after praying for a boy too sick to sit up, he was able to stand up and walk around the place. There was a little girl who was tormented by an evil spirit every Tuesday and Friday night at 2am in the morning. Her mother said her body would become stiff and she would have difficulty breathing. We layed hands and prayed for her and from that day onwards, the seizures stopped. Another man, with severe cataracts, said he could see light the very next day after we prayed for healing. Our God is awesome!

In addition to visitations, we were involved in Home Bible Studies where we taught on faith, fellowship, prayer and giving. The people were always warm, personal and intimate, so much so that I now have many Ate (big sister), Guya (big brother) and even Nanay (mother) in the barangay (village). Wherever we went, Michelle and I would attract lots of attention – even the market vendors know us and would sell us their best produce for the same price!

HOME BIBLE STUDY – My family in Christ

One of the highlight of our stay was the baptism. So immense was the experience for the candidates that they brought their spouse to be baptised 4 weeks later, which means we conducted 2 baptisms within 1 month! The new believers are eager to know more about the Truth which set them free from their drunkenness. Many were die-hard Tubag drinkers, a local coconut alcohol. Looking at them now, it is hard to imagine their past lifestyle. Truly, a life that is touched by God will be changed for God.

THE OLD IS GONE, THE NEW HAS COME – Ps Jasmin (right) and Michelle in action

1ST ROUND – 5 baptism candidates

2ND ROUND – Another 5 baptism candidates

At the end of our stay, Ps Jasmin told us that the small group of believers in CNL-Ormoc were very blessed by our coming and were encouraged to remain committed to God and to His cause. The church was refreshed and has set her sights on bigger things. We are excited with them about the future.

On hindsight, I am able to say with much satisfaction that I have been “watchful in all things, endured much afflictions and fulfilled my ministry” (2 Timothy 4:5). These 3 months with CNL-Philippines has made me love God’s Word more. I love to watch the Holy Spirit transform God’s written word into His revealed Word everyday. I do not think ants and mosquito bites qualify as ‘afflictions’, but I was most certainly tormented by them. Enduring the itch definitely required superhuman strength. Finally, I have fulfilled what God has given me to do, for whatever my hand found to do, I did it with my might (Ecclesiastes (9:10).

Next stop, CNL-South Asia. Watch this space for more updates.