Back in Focus

Janice Ha

Time really flies when you are having fun! It is already a month since I left for my 3-month internship in the Philippines. It sure is hot and humid here, but the days are never stuffy but always full of surprises. 50 minutes after we set off for home from another town, the van broke down (after sun-down) along a deserted village road. 5 minutes later, a street fight took place 50 metres ahead of our stalled vehicle. Thank God, the people asked us to go inside their house for shelter as we waited for help. An hour later, while being driven back to Tacloban, a motorcyclist swerved into our lane and almost crashed into us. Apparently, a fierce dog suddenly jumped up onto him from the side of the road.

REFUGE PLACE For us & the van

Within 12 days, Dennis' van broke down twice. From a passenger, I became a traffic diverter and then a van pusher. Dennis and I even had to take turns to steer the van and push it. Never in my life have I experienced so many roles within such a short, intensive span of time!

IT'S ABOUT TIME New battery for the van

We normally do not think much about the many roles we take on in our lives. Aren�t we are a son/daughter, parent, an employee, a colleague, an usher, a leader, etc. all at the same time? We slip in and out of each role so effortlessly, even the language and attitude we adopt depends on which role we are in.

STALLED The van we had to push

What role does God want me to be in His worldwide mission? This was the $64,000 question in my mind as I set out on my sabbatical leave. In this last month, God shifted my focus away from myself back to Him. It is not about me finding my role. It is about Him planting me into His will. At the end of the day, as we give ourselves to Him in obedience and trust, He will define our identity and role which will not change with time or context. If we seek for our own lives, we will lose it, and if we lose our lives for His sake, we will find it. It is not about pursuing self-worth, but being a worthy self.

At the end of July, even as you are reading this, I will be sent to Ormoc to help strengthen the church there. There are a lot of expectations and I pray that my little will be sufficient for the task.

For the most part of July, I was in Tacloban, (Philippines) getting used to the lifestyle here. Dennis & Daisy have been most hospitable. They prepared a room for me with a newly installed second hand air-conditioner, which was just great for the endless summer here! They also got me a brand new wardrobe - the canvas type. I remember seeing one of these in my grandparents' place a long time ago. Nonetheless, it works fine. It is really easy to be thankful for simple things when you don't have much, it just comes naturally.

HOME D-family 2-storey unit and my room

BRAND NEW Canvas wardrobe with a view

The church is vibrant and growing and the most encouraging sight is seeing familiar faces still faithfully serving. Many of the kids have now become Children�s Church leaders. We visited the homes of the children, especially those who did not come for a time. Many were touched by the simple gesture and the next Saturday, we had a record turn-out with many new ones. The children are really sweet, the type that will make you go.

I helped Dennis and Daisy with "Boy-Girl Relationships" workshop for the church youths on 2 consecutive Friday nights. The turn-out was good and we had a great time laughing at ourselves and learning more about God's definition and expectation of love.

WHAT IS LOVE? BGR workshop

THE CLASS We had newcomers joining in

Once a month, all the outstation pastors come to Tacloban for staff meeting and prayer. It was a good chance for me to know them. We also had a round of badminton game with all of them after that. Despite the fact that my right arm ached quite badly the next day, I enjoyed the time of fellowship and will gladly be spent all over again another time.