Your God Reigns, So Don't Give Up

#85 MUSTARD CHURCH - Sis Khima graduated from our church-planting training, went home and applied all that she learnt and very soon, a growing community of faith took root and flourished in her village.

“After fifteen days into our marriage, my husband and I had to live on our own. This is neither our cultural custom nor our personal choice. We were rejected from my husband’s family because we were Christians. We stayed in the church for a while but were soon asked to vacate the premise later. We felt like orphans and struggled to make ends meet. It seemed Satan was victorious for some time. We went on our knees in prayer and our hearts hung onto God’s promises. We felt Him saying; “I am on your side no matter what happens to you.” In the midst of this trial we felt God is at work and His hand over our life with the assurance that He has called us into ministry. My mother in law had an accident and had to go through two major surgeries. Besides praying for her healing recovery we were there by her side as much as we could. Through our showing of Christian love, our relationship with the family began to improve. At the same time a member offered his land and the congregation built a temporary worship hall. With the help of God and His people we were able to gather some resources and build a small house for ourselves on the land. We praise the Lord for knowing our every need and He is more than able to wipe every tear from our eye!”

– Personal testimony of Khima G who graduated from our training centre and started #85 Mustard Church about a year ago.

#86 JALAPENO CHURCH - Bro Gopal another graduate of our training centre and former atheist rebel soldier, now pastors the new work in his own remote village

“I used to be a rebel soldier living in a hilly remote area. There was a lady in my village who became unconscious because of demonic powers. The village witch doctor was called to revive her. A crowd soon gathered and even some rebel leaders of the area were present to witness the event. When the witch doctor failed, the crowd challenged me to pray for the lady knowing that I am a Christian. Together with some church members we began to call upon the Lord. After some time the lady woke up and came to her normal self. The crowd stood amazed at us as a result of witnessing God’s healing power. Since then new people started to come to our church every week. Even a key rebel leader has become receptive to the Gospel. We give all glory to God for His mighty works in our midst.”

– Personal testimony of Gopal B, a graduate of our training centre and started #86 Jalapeno Church work over a year ago in his remote village.

This year our centre has launched another 10 new church plants (#111 to #120). We covet your prayers for all our church works as the local ministers of the Lord serve faithfully in spite of the harsh and difficult circumstance.

We want to acknowledge that your faithful giving has made it possible for our centre to continue training and raising up church-planters every year to bring the Gospel to remote areas and reach the lost for Christ. Without your partnership and support we will not be able to make such progress and inroads to village communities in this nation.

And let us not lose heart in doing good,
for in due time we shall reap
if we do not grow weary.
So then, while we have the opportunity,
let us do good to all men,
and especially to those who are of the household of the faith.

(Galatians 6:9-10)