Our Gracious God

SOUTH ASIA by Rev. Shyam M.


The Lord is gracious and righteous; our God is full of compassion. (Psalm 116:5)

By the grace of God, we were able to complete our 29th batch of Church Planters’ Training with 28 graduates and 12 new church plants in 2023. Our students also got the opportunity to join the Global Leadership Summit online. It was an excellent experience and exposure for them to be connected with other leaders from around the world at the Global Christian Leadership forum.

As with previous years, a few hundred people were water baptised through our church planters. With 262 churches planted to date, our Harvest ministry is providing upgrade training such as diploma courses, systematic teaching and short-term courses for pastors and leaders in our network. About 20 pastors will receive their Dip.Th. in 2024.

Thomas Chang and his team (6 members) from TYLI Singapore visited us in August. They came to serve our network churches by conducting a Pastors’ Upgrade Training (PUT) for 65 pastors in the Mid-West district. The theme was: Starting Right, Finishing Well. The team also held a one day youth program in three different churches with 350 youths in attendance.


Ps. Lawrance Ong, Ps. Chris Lovell and their team (4 members) visited us in September. They ministered in local churches and visited some houses of our rebuilding project. Then we went to a nice tourist city for a much needed Pastors’ Family Camp. We had 44 pastor-couples from different districts join the camp.

Both the teams’ visit have been tremendously beneficial to the local churches and pastors. It is always refreshing to attend a retreat helmed by pastors for pastors.

Lord, be gracious to us; we long for You. Be our strength every morning, our salvation in time of distress. (Isaiah 33:2).

The ministry is committed to extending God's Kingdom in this region and you can be part of this incredible work. Join the Harvest Ministry in our efforts to make a difference.