The Wall is Completed!

“So the wall was completed on the twenty-fifth of the month Elul, in fifty-two days.”

(Nehemiah 6:15)

IT’S THE LORD. HE HAS DONE IT! Yes our new training centre is completed in 13 months! The Lord has done this through His people – YOU! Because you have responded in obedient faith (especially in such difficult economic times) we were able to build and see the completion of the Lord’s building for His Kingdom work here. THANK YOU for the encouraging support in your faithful giving and fervent prayers. The Lord indeed is good, faithful and true in keeping to His word. We can always count on Him! On March 15 we dedicated this new centre to the Lord in a simple service with much prayer and thanksgiving.

On February 15 our 13th church-planting training course started. This batch of 19 students consisting of 16 men and 3 ladies was privileged to live in the new facility to receive their training. Many of them have expressed their desire to be used by the Lord to start churches in their respective villages after the training. For the next three months do keep us in your prayers that we will prepare and equip them well for the Lord’s work. Pray that we will not only impart knowledge and skills but our passion and spirit on each student.

At the beginning of this year we embarked on our 77th church planting work. This church is started by a couple previously trained at our centre. It is located in a remote area north west of the capital. We seized the opportunity and acquired a 30,000sq.ft. land for the new work. With the Lord’s steady provision our centre also managed to attain a 16,000sq.ft. land for one of our growing churches situated in the central region. Till date, 26 parcels of land have been purchased for the growing churches. With the church land in place, we thank the Lord for enabling us to gain footholds and establish the light of Christ to penetrate the spiritual darkness over the communities in remote villages.

13th BATCH
13th BATCH - 19 students undergoing our 3-month in-house church planting course.

Following the dedication of our new centre, we held a pastoral conference for our outstation pastors. In spite of the roadblocks on highways caused by frequent strikes and protests, over forty pastors came for the conference. Some of them waited a few days on the road and prayed with faith to see it open for them. It is really encouraging to learn the change of mindsets in our pastors over the years. Most of them have come to realize the significance of lifelong learning and value the regular training our centre plans for them. During the week we held one on one session with the pastors to enquire on each ministry. Some are facing resistance but many of the works are bearing fruit with new seekers coming to the weekly church service. Please keep our pastors in prayer as they faithfully serve with courage at the spiritual frontline.

IN SESSION - Inspite of road blocks, 40 of our outstation pastors managed to attend our Pastoral Conference.

In providing us with a new facility we believe the Lord is bringing our ministry to a new level. This year we hope to launch various community projects in the villages through our local churches. We want to impact the local villages by addressing their felt needs. Our churches are not only seen preaching the Gospel but at the same time doing good works to meet needs in the community. So our new centre will be working with our pastors to help them reach their communities for Christ! We are now looking at a project in building a hundred household toilets for a poor and needy village we have identified. Do pray and ask the Lord to bless and bring success to our pilot community project!

Our centre continues to seek your support and partnership in this new level of ministry. Let’s move forward together for His greater glory!