Testimonies From the Front

Jasmin Collado
National Director, Philippines

LEYTE – Tacloban Church

More young people are coming to church and attending the youth fellowship every Wednesday. Recently, 5 young newcomers accepted the Lord. God is also bringing more adults into the church. Children’s church is growing with a few young teens being saved at their newly started children’s ministry in a new barangay.

Last month, a youth seminar “Maximize Singleness” was organized and Ps Steven Teo and his team of Australian pastors came to minister to the 100 youths who attended. Many were blessed and were reminded of God’s perfect and good plan. Thank you for your sincere prayers and support!

Ps Steven Teo and Ps Enzo Maisano were the key speakers.

LEYTE – Ormoc Church

Ps Jascinta has been praying for young people to come into the kingdom of God and now they have started a youth cell group. They have also opened family bible studies in the barangay. Some of these families have started attending Sunday services. Thank God for children, too. They always win their families for Christ! Some parents of the kids are also attending Sunday services. Please continue to pray for more disciples to be made and leaders to be raised up.

Children are always eager to learn and will not hesitate to share the fun and experiences of God with their parents and friends.

LEYTE – Tanauan Church

Ps Ricardo has started cell groups for adults – for those who are baptized and also for those who are not yet baptized. Children’s Church is conducted every Saturday afternoon with the children themselves leading songs. They are indeed growing in the Lord. Recently, a lady believer, who is a day care teacher, has volunteered to teach the kids. In January, they conducted a 3-month feeding program for badly malnourished children and all 25 selected children have since regained their health. A new work is planned and by this month, God willing, they will start their first Sunday service there. Truly what God is doing here is the result of your prayers.

LEYTE – San Miguel Church

Children’s ministry is very active in 2 barangays and a new bible study group will begin this week. Sis Florilin and some believers continue to conduct house to house visitations, sharing the love of God, giving tracks and reaching out to the people. Their relationship with the barangay captain and his family is progressing and they are trusting God to make a way for them to reach them all. As part of their community projects, they plan to start a feeding program for the malnourished kids and are praying for the right time. Please continue to pray that the Truth be boldly proclaimed and His church be established.

SAMAR – Calbayog Church & Daughter churches

Ps Oscar’s son Dave, has helped the Calbayog church form 3 worship teams – one for Sunday services, another for the youth (composed of young teens) and the 3rd comprises of adults focused on special gospel songs. If their premise can no longer accommodate the worshippers every Sunday, they plan to start a second service. Their 3 daughter churches are doing well. Migara Church now has 4 cell groups. Trinidad Church hosts 2 prayer groups with several Bible Studies. Please pray for Santo Niño Church – the believers are undergoing trials through illness and death of their loved ones. Although there are newcomers, some members have stopped coming as a result. New outreaches to barangay Baras have resulted in more than 15 young people and adult believers meeting regularly. In Poblacion, attendance is at 7 believers.

Please pray for Ps Oscar who suffered a fall 2 months ago and hurt his right leg. He asks for speedy recovery so he can continue his visitations and ministry.

A simple but sincere table fellowship.

SAMAR – Catarman and Makiwalo Churches

Ps Luke’s vision of the church is “each one bring one,” and they are experiencing a continuous increase in numbers as a result. They celebrated their 3rd anniversary in March with approximately 180 people. Indeed this kind of achievement is the result of your untiring support through prayers. They seek your fervent prayers that God will continue to use them in the ministry mightily with more souls added everyday into His kingdom.

SAMAR – Borongan Church

Ps Samuel now runs a regular Sunday service and an in-house discipleship training program with 9 active leaders who are of great help. Last month, they started a Medical and Dental service for the community. This is one of the best strategies for evangelism. Praise God, they reaped 157 people who accepted Jesus Christ as their God and Savior and some are eager to have a bible study in their homes. They are now trusting God to find a permanent place of worship. Please pray with them in this area.