Reflections and Resolutions

J & C

Blessed greetings in the Name of our Precious Lord Jesus! Join us in praises and thanksgivings to Him as we looked back 2002…

Food relief distribution under government’s protection

In September 02 we helped Operation Hope Foundation Singapore distribute 1100 food relief bags to floods and landslides victims. This year OHF is organizing a Happy Day with fun and food for the poor and destitute here in March 03.

Homes in Progress, from nothing to something.

Three families of our believers saw their houses collapsed by heavy monsoon rains in August 02. Ten other believers’ homes also suffered partial damages. Through the generous giving of personal friends, we were able to raise sufficient funds to help in rebuilding the homes. By December 02, new house buildings replaced the collapsed homes. The repair works of partially damaged homes were also well in progress.

The last quarter of 2002 saw the first batch of four students trained for church planting work at our Harvests Mission Centre. We have been receiving good reports of the training as evidenced in the lives of the students. There are enquiries for our next course starting in mid February 2003.

CNL-Nr New place of worship

CNL-Nr Believers worshipping in new church

Four years ago we partnered in four church planting works. One work has built their own place of worship after we helped purchased the land. This year a land has been acquired for another work. The believers have started giving toward their own church building construction.

Children’s Church in the orphanage

C started a children church in an orphanage two years ago. She also imparts her life on the youth in the home. As for our own ‘Himalayan Home of Refuge’, which was started three years ago, we now have Sarah who joined us this year to help C run the home. Sarah coaches our boys in their work. She is like a big sister to them and they love her!

So we looked back 2002 with much joy and spiritual fulfillment. We experience God increasingly plowing the fields of this country. Each encounter with God brings personal spiritual progress. It is indeed a privilege to be in His Kingdom’s work.

Let’s join in looking forward to 2003 with your prayers and support for:

  1. Church planting works – They are under constant security threats. Ask the Lord to grow and preserve them.
  2. Harvest Missions Centre – We plan to run 3 training courses. Pray that good and faithful workers would be raised up to start new works.
  3. Children’s Church – C is praying to start a second service reaching out to the youth. Pray for a fruitful work.
  4. Himalayan Home of Refuge – Pray for spiritual growth in Daniel, Jacob and Paul. Ask the Lord to enlarge the home gradually this year.
  5. With God all things are possible! Often this happens through your prayers! So we want to thank the Lord for you who believe and support us in His Kingdom work. Stand with us again this year!

The One who calls you is faithful and He will do it.

1 Thessalonians 5:18