Reach the Young

Dennis & Daisy, Philippines

We organized a Retreat for all of our outstation pastors in November. The theme was “Leadership and Team Building”. Praise God, all our pastors now share the same vision. We were also able to pray and plan for future church planting works. By God’s grace, we will be planting 2 new churches this year. The first is in the capital of Eastern Samar called Borongan. Our pastors had surveyed the place and will be ready to start a church by April. Ps Samuel and his family will be assigned to this city. It is estimated that the initial start-up cost would be around S$1078 and the monthly support for the work is S$470. We yearn for your prayers for the new work as we are starting from scratch and will encounter spiritual opposition (Eph 6:12)

RETREAT – Dennis sharing on Leadership

X’MAS JOY – Pastors and Superkidz party

Christmas 2004 was celebrated with our pastors at Olot beach. Thank God for the love gift from a Singaporean who blessed us with the food & gifts for this occasion.

Superkidz – our children’s church, had a wonderful Christmas celebration. Gifts were awarded to the child with the perfect attendance for the year, for memorizing verses & for leadership skills. A video show “You are Special” was presented to them.

LET’S TALK – Alpha course in session

SCHOOL TIME – Trial-run kindergarten class at the moment

We are conducting 2 Alpha Courses a week. One group is for college students and the other is for young working professionals. The attendance is overwhelming and exceeds our expectation. I believe this is the result of many months of intercession. Pray with us that they will be convicted by the Holy Spirit, repent and be baptized in water and be assimilated into the church.

At this point in time we are also reaching out to undergraduates who are training to be teachers. We plan to invite them to participate in our youth programme by volunteering to teach the children in the poorer villages for free during the weekends. At the same time, we pray both teachers and children be led to Christ.

We have converted Daniel’s bedroom into a kindergarten classroom. At the moment we have 3 pupils in our trial-run programme. We will be launching the actual kindergarten in June this year in partnership with the Tacloban City Councilor who is a Christian. The vision of the kindergarten is “Tindog Tacloban”, which means “Stand up, Tacloban”. We are basing our teaching on Deut 6:4-9. Please pray with us that the kindergarten will be accredited with the Education Department and that future teachers joining us will have Godly characters.