To Pray Continually

Jasmin Collado
National Director, Philippines

It is through prayer that the ministry grows. We find we can do great things for God because of the power of prayer.

Starting in January, we started house-to-house prayer meetings and a 40-day prayer chain where every believer commits at least 1 day to fast and pray for the church. The purpose is two-fold. We hope to (1) strengthen everyone in prayer – to experience God’s life-giving spirit, power and intimacy and (2) to pray for a breakthrough in missions and ministry.

Our primary ministry for the first quarter of this year is whole-hearted prayer for the individual, church, community and the country.

The foundation of this prayer and fasting is repentance and humbleness before God. We believe God will do great things in and through us this year and we want everyone to be ready when He moves. For His name’s sake, He will surely bring an increase in every area and open more doors for outreach and ministry. It is through prayers that the faithful also continue to stand strong.

TACLOBAN CHILDREN’S CHURCH - We have a regular attendance of at least 40 children in our weekly Saturday services led by the youths.



ORMOC CHURCH Ps Jascinta (right)

TANAUAN CHILDREN’S CHURCH - Ps Ricardo has started a regular Children’s Church in this village.

TANAUAN CHURCH - Ps Ricardo (left) with some members of the church. Please pray that more families will open their homes for Bible study and prayer.

SAN MIGUEL CHILDREN’S CHURCH - Sis Florilin oversees the Children’s Church here. We hope to start adult bible study groups soon.

od’s grace and leading, we are praying and exploring the possibility of starting a church in Manila. As a first step, I will be making a fact-finding cum prayer trip in February with Ps Luke and his wife to Quezon City, which is beside Metro Manila. Please pray that God will grant us wisdom and guidance as we survey the city and decide where to begin. We are looking forward also to plant more churches in the major cities of this country.

out God we can do nothing and without your prayers and support we couldn’t have achieved so much. Thank you, once again for your faithful prayers. They really under-gird the work here!

the Lord bless you abundantly this year and have a blessed Chinese New Year!