Country's First Study Bible Launched
The Full Life Study Bible was launched on 16 July 2017! Before this day, the only study bibles available are in English. This is a significant milestone for Christians in this nation because they can now study the bible in their own language. It was also a proud moment for us because one of the main translators is from our core team. He spent one year in Thailand to work with Life Publishers in getting the translation out. According to them, because he worked so hard and clocked in extra hours everyday, they completed it ahead of schedule.
Missions team of 9 people from CNL (Centre of New Life) came and organised a 3-day youth leaders camp at the Centre. Topics include integrity, self-leadership, financial planning and team work.
12 new church plants have come out from our latest batch of graduates. This makes our total number of new churches started to-date at 206. All glory to God!
Along with our 4-month church planters training, we are also running a Diploma in Theology course (distance learning). 13 student pastors graduated last year.
About 95 pastors came from 12 different districts for 2 days of upgrade training in August and September. In both the trainings we taught on the book of Ephesians.
In November 2016, doctors from TYLI (Touching Young Lives International) came and were able to tend to approximately 700 people in 2 villages. The team also sponsored the distribution of 400 blankets.