Moving On Moving Up
South Asia, Rev Shyam M.
By the grace of God, we are able to complete our 28th batch of Church Planters training this year with 17 students. They got the opportunity to join the Global Leadership Summit online. It was a good experience for them to connect with Christian leaders globally. 10 of them will start new churches in their respective villages.
To date, our Centre graduates have planted 250 churches in different parts of the country. This year alone, a few hundred believers are water baptised.
10 pastors received their Diploma in Theology and another 20 will graduate in 2023. Along with Dip.Th, we have also launched youth leadership seminars and structured training courses for our network pastors on-site and online.
I believe reading informs and builds us. This year, we translated new materials from English to our local language:
1. Bible studies to transform our response to sexual violence;
2. Moving on and moving Up: From Success to Significance by Naomi Dowdy. These resources are good tools for the churches here.
Thank you for praying for us.