Offering Our Hands to Another
Author: JN
But as for me, I am poor and needy; may the Lord think of me. You are my help and my deliverer; you are my God, do not delay. (Psalm 40:17)
My thoughts are with the many jobless vulnerable poor. Whatever savings they have would be depleted by now. They have no choice but to live on with the lesser evil. Most would rather be exposed to the virus and find whatever work to make ends meet than to keep themselves safe at home without food and income. The massive earthquake that struck the region in 2015 had caused many to lose their precious homes. But the disaster became an opportune time for the Church to reach out in practical love and help by rebuilding safe houses to both the needy Christians and non-Christians in the community. Similarly, I see the current pandemic presenting yet another timely occasion for the Church to show genuine love and care by meeting the needs of vulnerable families affected by the virus. The Covid-19 Response Fund is the right initiative for us to give generously and render real practical help. Let us rise and not delay our Christian love. Let’s be the Lord’s hands and feet in bringing help and deliverance to the poor and suffering in this time of great need.
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