New Pace with Possibilities

J&C, South Asia

“And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world for a witness to all nations, and then the end shall come.” 

(Matthew 24:14)

It’s really good to be back with C and the children. But since returning, I’ve been rather busy. Our National Director, Ps NP called last minute and asked me to speak at our 9th graduation ceremony as the pastor we invited to do so was down with food poisoning. I was also invited to speak at a one-day leadership seminar for eight senior pastors from the churches in the capital. The invitation came from a close local friend and so I could not decline. It turned out well and I began my sharing by first acknowledging that I’ve more to learn from them than they from me since they are more senior than I (most of them are in their 50s!) and more experienced in the ministry!

Church Planting Works Progress

Our 9th church-planting course ended on an upbeat note at the graduation of our 16 trainees on 23 September. More than half of them have indicated that they are eager to plant a new church after they return to their villages.

Graduation ceremony for our 16 trainees

We are in the process of acquiring land for Durian Church that has grown to over 100 members. Church building projects are in progress for Sunflower, Tulip, Nectar and Nectarine Church.

Last month our centre saw our first “daughter” church planted. This new church came forth from Nectar Church established in April 2005. The worker who started this new work was trained in our 7th church-planting course last year. This latest work is the 36th church planted that came forth from our training centre. Glory to God in the highest!

Daughter church started in August 2006 by Nectar Church, this is one of our newest work in the West

New Life Leadership Missions Centre

Last August we had our annual pastors and family retreat at our centre. Including the team of visiting ministers we had approximately 100 participants. I clearly saw that our ministry had indeed grown and the Lord made me see that our training centre will continue to expand.

I could see our training centre becoming a missions centre in the days to come. Therefore I am convinced that it is time to build a proper HQ for all our works. Do pray and partner with us in building this future centre for the Lord and His Kingdom work in this nation!

Remember our Centre’s Vision 200/20: To establish 200 vibrant churches in 20 years in the Himalayan regions where there is no church by 2022. Pray that with the Lord’s help, our centre will start at least 10 new works each year for the vision to come to pass.

We also need your prayers for the up and coming events scheduled as follows -

  • October 21 to 24 – Evangelistic outreach for our churches in the West.
  • November 20&21 – Quarterly training and meeting with all our outstation pastors.
  • November 25 to 30 – J’s 2nd pastoral visit to the Philippines.
  • Hope Trust Orphanage

Thank you for the covering of your prayers. All 25 children (including our houseparent’s 2 daughters) are doing very well in school and our home. It is always our joy to love and care for each of them. While the children are accustomed to call C ‘Mummy’, they call me ‘Uncle’. But lately, I was pleasantly surprised when they started calling me ‘Daddy J’. We are looking forward to 2 new additions before the year ends.

The kids are always eager and ready

Although there is a lot of official paperwork to process, we thank the Lord for His help in obtaining the renewal for our NGO (Non-Governmental Organisation) annual registration, tax exemption certificate and permit to receive overseas funding for our home.

Please ask the Lord to make His way straight for securing land ownership and property for our orphanage home in the near future.