A New Level for His Glory

"'And I will fill the soul of the priests with abundance, And My people shall be satisfied with My goodness,' declares the LORD."

(Jeremiah 31:14)

YES! Come September we will be offering the first Bachelor of Theology (BTh) degree programme at our training centre. This degree is officially offered by South Asian Bible College in Bangalore (India), a well-established theological college with 60 years of history and accredited under Asia Theological Association (ATA). To be honest, it has never occurred to me that one day our Centre will provide recognized academic theological degrees. It is becoming clearer that the core purpose of our centre is to build men and women of theological eminence with missional distinction. To God be the glory! Our church planter pastors now do not need to travel to India and be away from their families to further their theological education. Over 20 of them have applied for the 12 places offered in our first course!

Our centre is now accredited with South Asia Bible College (Bangalore) and will start offering their BTh programme this year.

In May, 22 trainees consisting of 18 men and 4 ladies successfully completed our 15th church-planting course. Most are now active in church ministry and some are pastoring new churches. There is a good demand from the local churches for our 3-month course. Hence we will keep the church planting training with the offer of the new BTh degree course. The 16th batch of church planters training will commence in February next year.


Daniel, our eldest boy, scored First Division for his School Leaving Certificate (equivalent to GCE O-levels). Daniel is the first child that came to our children’s home when the ministry started 10 years ago. Pray with us as we are considering various options to help Daniel further his studies. We have a total of 36 children (23 boys and 13 girls) in our home. In January we moved to a new place and we are looking for a second house to separate the gender as well as to provide more room to bring in more children. For the rest of this year, we will intentionally look at acquiring a suitable piece of land to build a permanent home for the children and for the ministry. Please seek the Lord with us and pray for this to come to pass before the year ends.

Once again we are most grateful for the support through your partnership and faithful giving towards the Lord’s ministry that has constantly encouraged us to press on in His kingdom work. May the Lord fill your soul with abundance and you are found satisfied with His goodness!