New Building in the Making

TANAUAN CHURCH BUILDING - The walls are coming up

Praise God for He really works through the prayer of His people! Thank and praise Him for His provision for Tanauan Church. Ps Ricardo’s desire is to construct a church building in Tanauan so that believers have a place to gather together every week. God heard the cry of his heart and moved someone to provide the money needed to build the church building. Ps Ricardo is now in the process of constructing a simple building that can accommodate about 150 people. God’s ample provision is beyond our understanding and imagination. All Glory to Jesus.

THE LAND - Marking the church walls
WORKSHED - Ps Ricardo in his “office”
THE WALLS - Windows are coming in next
ENTRANCE - Enter herein all who are weary
TANAUAN CHURCH MEMBERS - Ps Ricardo with his team of construction helpers

God is always on time with His plan for his people and the church. Starting this month, we will start a new 3-month church planting training program. The purpose of this course is to train our leaders and members in church planting and development. This time, all the 11 churches under our umbrella will contribute significantly towards this training. While some of the more experienced and gifted pastors are scheduled to teach at the centre, all are committed to support the program financially. When trainees graduate and plant a church in their village, all our pastors have pledged support for the new work and the new workers.

Classes will begin on 6 August and we are looking forward to it. Please pray with us that God will accomplish His will in and through this school. Thank you for your continuous prayer and generous support. God bless you.