Much, Much More

We have another 4 new children join us in April, making it a total of 5 this year. Derek (13), Jeremy (10), Kelly (10) and Preston (7) joined Ivan (9) who came in March. They are adjusting very well to their new environment, getting along with the other children and picking up English as they learn to communicate with us. Preston and Ivan are currently being home schooled and will likely enter school in April 2015.
This year’s first-term exam results were released in August. The Upper Primary group did above average, with Subrina scoring the highest marks of 84.9%. Francis had the best score of 93% in the Lower Primary group.
There are now 40 kids in the Home – 19 girls & 21 boys. Daniel (22), our very first boy, is now employed by the Home to manage the accounts. He is doing his Bachelor in Management part-time and will graduate in 2016. Thanks to the many aunties and uncles such as you, who give freely and faithfully your love, time and gifts, making these children’s future and hope that much more tangible and real.
We’re currently looking for sponsors for Jeremy, Derek and Kelly. If you are keen to help, please email for details on the sponsorship process. All it takes is 100 SGD/month for each child. An initial commitment of 2 years will be helpful as it gives a certain level of stability for these fast growing kids.

We were blessed by a more than expected success for our deep water boring work. Water initially came from a depth of 115 metres but we continued to bore to 125 metres until we reached a clear water source. It took 4 seconds to fill up a 20-litre pail. Imagine filling up 300 one-litre bottles in one minute! The abundant provision brought much joy and excitement to our children. They prayed really hard and were constantly asking about the water project. Imagine their exhiliration when we told them we struck water! God answered all our prayers more than what we asked for. Praise be to our God of abundance!