Moving On in Obedient Faith

“The God of heaven Himself will prosper us; Therefore we His servants will arise and build”

(Nehemiah 2:20a)

This nation is in a confusing and volatile state of affairs. Everyday without fail there would be fresh protests and strikes in different parts of the country. Normal living is often disrupted and sometimes brought to a standstill. The spiritual atmosphere has to change before the natural can improve. This, I believe, can only come through prayer. Please join us in fervent prayer for this nation.

A DAILY EVENT - Street protest march
Hope Trust Orphanage

Brandon and his sister, Anna joined our home 2 years ago. At that time, their mother was suffering from cancer and their father had left the family without a trace. Unable to take care of Brandon and Anna, their mother sent them to us. On 4 September, Brandon and Anna’s mother went home to be with the Lord. Do pray for them in this time of bereavement. The rest of the children are doing well at home and in school.

Church Planting Works
TIME OF REFRESHING - We gathered our outstation pastors and leaders for a time of teaching and to revisit our Centre’s vision
GOD IS GREAT AND GOOD! - Outstation pastors and leaders gathering in worship

Over 100 of our outstation pastors and key leaders gathered at our Missions Centre from 22-24 September. We had 2 full days of excellent biblical teaching from the Book of Philemon by Rev. Dr. Goh Seng Fong from Hope Baptist Church (Singapore). In the evenings, we had Ps Doug Paradise, an American veteran missionary to Vietnam and Cambodia, preach and minister. We also revisited our Church Planting Vision 200/20 to help us stay focused on the mission.

At the gathering many pastors gave encouraging reports of their church planting works. Many churches are taking the advantage of the current unstable but calm condition to actively hold evangelistic outreaches and to publicly preach the Gospel in the villages. Most of the time there would be a large crowd turning up at the event.

SERMON ON THE MOUNT - Many are coming to our village churches to hear the good news of the kingdom!
New Life Leadership Missions Centre

On 7 October, our 11th batch of church planting trainees will graduate. Many of them indicated that they want to plant a church in their home villages once they return. Pray for us that we would hear clearly from the Lord in selecting the right workers for the task.

Building construction of our new Missions Centre will commence in early 2008! In my recent ministry trip home I want to thank the Lord for His favor. As I shared the vision of our new Centre with a handful of our regular supporters, all of them are positive and supportive of the project. (Please see Special Feature for more details)

The gracious Lord has also assured me from His Word that as long as we are doing this for the glory of His name and for the welfare of His people (Nehemiah 1:11 & 2:10), He Himself will see the completion of the new Missions Centre! Now with His Word given to us, we must move in boldness and in obedient faith.

Pray with us!