Low on Fuel But Not Faith
“Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people.”
On the Home front
A local Christian friend here said to me: “I’ve never felt such a strong need to pray for my nation before…” I can only agree and empathize with him.
Multiple road blocks along the border have disrupted the supply of fuel and food into the country.
The people in the south are demanding equal rights and recognition as lawful citizens of the country and have set up several road blocks prohibiting delivery trucks from entering the country. This has led to an acute shortage of petroleum products and other essential food supplies in the capital. As the government resorts to rationing petrol, diesel and kerosene to face this shortage, long snake-like queues at gas stations have now become a common everyday sight. Almost 70% of all public transport have stopped running. The few buses that ply the streets are so packed with people, they resemble an overflowing honey pot dripping on all sides! As a result, many schools are closed as students are unable to come to classes. Many people are turning to bicycles, rickshaws and walking.
Apart from this, gas cylinders for cooking are also in short supply – one has to wait at least two weeks for a full LPG cylinder to be delivered. Many restaurants are forced to close. Electricity is also in short supply due to the dry winter season. Residents in the capital have to bear with 46 hours of power cut every week. Just to let you feel what it is like, take a look at our power cut schedule -
Monday: 10am-12pm, 8pm-12am،
Lights out after 8pm!
Tuesday: 5am-9am, 1pm-5pm
No PC work in the afternoon
Wednesday: 6am-10am, 2pm-6pm
Got to work through lunch
Thursday: No power cut.
Thank God it’s Thursday!
Friday: 12am-4am, 5.30pm-9pm,
Early dinner and News only after 9pm
Saturday: 4am-8am, 5pm-8.30pm
Early dinner and ESPN only after 8.30pm
Sunday: 9am-1pm, 6pm-9.30pm
Can only work in the afternoon or late night
Until the country is able to import electricity from her neighbors and solve the unrest in the south, the current shortages are likely to worsen. Pray with us that God would lift this nation up by His grace and mercy. Pray for good, strong leaders with the ability to bring this nation out of this downward spiral and govern the land with righteousness.
On the Ministy front
Although the nation’s physical outlook seems bleak and dark, the sun is shining in the spiritual sphere! Last month, our centre commissioned 15 trained students and embarked on 11 new church planting works in villages across the nation. To the praise and glory of God, this brings a total of 65 churches that came forth from our training centre. In addition, 2 parcels of land were purchased for Orange and Jackfruit church. Apple church has also successfully completed her building in January. Please continue to intercede for all our pastors and their flock.
This month, training of our 12th batch of 18 new church planters will begin. They were short listed from 30 applicants for our 3 months in-house training course. Please keep our training, trainees and trainers in your daily prayers.
Yes! The building construction of our new training and missions centre commenced last month. Although there were some initial hindrances, the work kicked off to a good start. While digging the foundation, we found the soil to be firm and solid. This means the centre will sit on a foundation that is strong. May we likewise build our lives on Christ, our Solid Rock! So far we have raised S$104,500 for the centre. Many thanks and praises to the Lord for speaking to several of His own to give generously towards the building of this centre. The Lord has indeed brought us to the half-way mark; let’s continue to ask Him to raise a handful more to meet our target of S$200,000.
King David had mighty men to help him build and establish the nation of Israel. C and I are always grateful to God for giving YOU as our mighty men and women for the work. We are really thankful to you who share in this ministry, helping us build His church and kingdom in the Himalayas. May the Lord shower His goodness and blessings on you and your loved ones!