Living In The Center Of His Will

J & C,
South Asia

The Prime Minister has been re-instated to his post and has now formed a new 31 member cabinet. Since then, the agitation protests in the capital city has subsided. However the rebels have stepped up their clandestine activity inside the city. Three government officials were assassinated in a week. Frequent clashes between the rebels and the army continue on in the remote areas as well. Besides security roadblock checks on the highways, the current monsoon rains often hamper travels in and out of the city these days. The days of landslides and long lines of vehicles stuck in endless queue will be here for the next two months.

Recently I made a trip to the eastern part of the nation. It took Ps NP and I seven hours on a bike to get there. You can imagine how sore my bottom was the whole night! We were there to encourage a group of pastors (about 20 of them including 3 ladies) serving in different remote villages located in the East. We could tell that the pastors were blessed by our sharing of the Word. I felt humbled having this privilege to encourage the Lord’s servants. My heart often goes out to such pastors who are serving out there alone faithfully even without much pastoral care and attention. They requested us to meet with them again in 6 months' time. We shared our training centre’s 200-20 vision of planting churches where there is no church. They told us that many villages in their area do not have a single church. We asked them to send leaders with a pastor’s calling to our centre for training. We would like to partner with them to start new works.

At the end of our meeting, we were all excited about the near future. Indeed, 10 new works a year is possible! "Yes Lord, 200 churches in 20 years. Make it happen for Your Name's sake and glory".

The Lord is surely moving here.4 years ago, we helped to start and establish CNL-Sultana in the West. After 2 years, she planted CNL-Kiwi. CNL-Sultana is now packed every Saturday and CNL-Kiwi has over 100 believers! Now we are looking at branching out another new work from CNL-Sultana in the near future. We will be training the new worker in our next church-planting course to be held in August and September.

CNL-Apple Newest work launched in May 2004, 15 to 16 families come every week

CNL-Apple Surrounding villages waiting for the Gospel to be preached

On 9 July, two new boys aged 3 and 5 joined our Boy's Home. Both came from very poor Buddhist families in the remote hilly region. The family could no longer feed them. If they were not brought to our home, they would surely have been sent to a Tibetan monastery. C has named the younger boy, Justin and the older boy, Calvin. Our little band of brothers is now eight. Pray that they will knit together closely and accept one another.

NEW @ HOME Calvin, 5 (left) & Justin, 3

C and I are doing well – loving both our life and ministry here. 5 years have passed since we arrived on 1 May 1999. It is amazing that our hearts still remain fresh with joy and excitement serving our Savior and Master! It must be something to do with being in the center of God's will that we are having such a fulfilling life now. We pray that you, too would seek His will and purpose for your life and truly experience the abundance He meant for you. Thank you for your prayers and unfailing support. The Lord richly bless you and your loved ones.

8 BOYS! From left: Jonathan, Justin, Daniel, James, Calvin, Paul, Peter and David with C

Prayer Pointers

BHC 5th Course

Praise God for His timely supply through His people that we could conduct the next CP training in August and September. Pray for the 12 trainees. Ask the Lord of Harvests to raise up workers and start new works from this batch of trainees.

Himalayan Hope Orphanage - Remember dream of running a 100-children orphanage home? Pray that God would prepare her heart and spirit for this undertaking. Ask for the gift of administration for C.

Vision 200/20

To establish 200 vibrant churches in 20 years in the Himalayan regions where there is no church.

Goal 200/2 - To have 200 believers in 2 years for each church planted.

Please keep this vision and goal close your heart. For this God-sized mission, we need faith and wisdom from heaven. Pray that I would be faithful and persevere in the work of planning and execution. Pray that God would bring the vision into reality and cause a huge impact on His kingdom's work here.