The King & I
Dennis & Daisy
“The LORD had said to Abram, “Leave your country, your people and your father’s household and go to the land I will show you. “I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you…I will bless those who bless you…and all people on earth will be blessed through you.” Gen 12:1-3
These verses bring new hope and challenge to me. My purpose in Philippines is clearer and I can see the King opening new doors and leading me into territories that I dared not endeavor before. My prayer is that I can learn to trust Him completely.
In 1997, I left my family for the Philippines with a vision to build a Bible School and to plant churches in that region. However, it was not until after 5 years of serving the King, that He is causing the Bible School to materialise. He has taught me to not depend on man but to trust Him. “The King’s Will, The King’s Bill”. As I began the faith exploration into buying a land for the Bible school, God expanded our Bible school vision to include an orphanage, kindergarten and church!
We finally met the owner of a good piece of land and told him that we were interested in purchasing it for a Bible school, orphanage and school building. At the same time we also told him that we did not have any money to pay him and requested to pay by installment instead. He agreed.
Not wanting to look to man I asked God to send the funds through a person that I will never think of. After Daisy and I came back to Singapore to deliver baby Daniel, the Lord impressed upon a pre-Believer, whom I have yet to meet, to give a cheque of S$8,000 to buy our first piece of land! All this happened after he read about our plans in Mission LEAF! We thank God for His amazing providence.
With this encouragement, I asked God for the neighbouring land as well, so that the project would be complete. This will cost approximately S$300,000 to S$400,000 (inclusive of the purchase of the additional land and construction costs).
Recently, a friend approached me sharing that an acquaintance of his is willing to help foot this bill. When I heard this piece of news, my jaw dropped and my heart palpitated. LORD, Your will be done!
I believe God will richly bless those who blessed us just as He has promised in Genesis 12:3.
- That God will send the funds
- For wisdom to manage this new work
- For more staff to join us by July 2003
- 2 Deans for Bible School
- 2 Administrators
- Bible School & kindergarten teachers
- House parents for the Orphanage
- Doctors & nurses, chef & cooks
- For the 3 existing Out-station churches
- Re-shuffling of church staff
- For Daniel to be healthy and to adjust to his new environment easily
- Balance between family and ministry
- For my mother and Daisy’ parents