Justice, Mercy & Faithfulness
“Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You give a tenth of your spices – mint, dill, and cumin. But you have neglected the more important matters of the law – justice, mercy and faithfulness. You should have practiced the latter, without forgetting the former.”
A couple married for many years failed to conceive a child. They came to our church plant started by sister Dilko who is a recent graduate of the church planting training course from our centre. Sister Dilko comes from a remote hill village situated in the Mid-west region where the church is located. As the couple gave their life to Christ, the Lord graciously provided them with a child. To the couple and the church the child was a miracle gift from God!
Chakra lives in the same village as the couple and the church. He used to be a rebel sympathizer and was notorious in the village for his drunkenness and rage towards his wife. Through the couple who are his neighbors, Chakra came to know about the church and started to attend its weekly service. Not long Chakra gave his life to Jesus. Chakra’s changed life soon became evident by all and recently he gave a 7,300 sqft. piece of land to the church. Sister Dilko’s flock of nearly 50 believers are very encouraged by what the Almighty God is doing in their midst. They are raising funds for the new church building and look forward to the day to have a proper place of worship every week.
Sis Dilko’s faithful flock of 50 believers meeting in a makeshift place. Now that God has blessed them with land, they are now fervently pooling resources to build a village church building.
We believe Jesus rose from the dead and we serve a living God today. What would our answer be when we are asked: Where can we see and find your risen Jesus? The answer can first be found in our changed and ongoing changing life. Second, Jesus can be seen living in the community of God’s people where there is evidence of love, sharing and forgiveness for one another. Last but not least Jesus indeed is alive and he is seen at work in our compassionate attitude and action towards the poor and marginalized in society. Jesus says his disciples are to live moral lives like the teachers of the law and Pharisees who uphold the Law. But our moral living must include an active care and concern for the less privileged.
We cannot afford to be indifferent to their plight and neglect to help in tangible ways. May God through His grace and mercy be at work in our lives so clearly that others will not miss the living Christ in us but be drawn to His love and power.
Their own church building is almost complete
Join us in our desire to bring our church planting ministry here to the next level. Let’s empower our church planters and local churches to reach out in word and deed. The vision is to see each church plant step up to leadership in the village in bringing positive change and progressive development to the community. In this way we are truly preaching the whole Gospel and effectively reaching the lost for Christ. To God be all glory!
Upon completion, these 18 students will return to their villages and start to share the Good News. God willing, new churches will be birthed.