Integrating Evangelism and Social Action

Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. (James 1:27)

#134 Asparagus Church

This one-year old growing church plant is situated in the Far West remote region. Out of the 60 believers meeting weekly for worship and fellowship, half of them have received water baptism to the praise and glory of God!

Church Planting Trainees
Church Planting Trainees

February saw the commencement of our 20th batch of church planting training. This batch comprised of 16 men and 7 ladies including a couple. Most come from remote villages in the Eastern and Western regions. They are keen learners and eager to serve God in full time ministry. From this batch there will be a significant shift of focus in our training course. Besides the call for active evangelism there will be emphasis on the need to fulfill the social mandate of the Gospel. Just as intentional in raising church planters we aim to raise and support community health ministry workers from our in-house training course to complement our church planting works. Pray with us as our center moves towards a more holistic mission in bringing the Gospel with tangible help and development to village communities.


Yes! Our children home ministry is moving to the next level! The building plans for our new children home are out. There will be three main blocks consisting of separate accommodations for the boys and girls with adjacent living quarters for house parents. One hundred and twenty poor and disadvantaged children will have the opportunity to live and be provided for in this new and big home. The new facility would include a multipurpose hall, hobbies and classrooms as well as a large common dining hall. The main buildings are interconnected by a court yard and basketball court. Our children are really excited about their new home!

After having to move from place to place to cater for our growing needs over the past ten years, we will finally have a place to call our home. Our eyes are toward God to help us start building this year at the estimated budget of S$600,000. There will be a lot of work ahead and new challenges to face and see this new home come to pass. We need both your support and prayers. Let’s join our hands in building this children home together and bring its completion by 2015 to the praise and glory of our God who makes all things possible!

New Addition to the Home – Gita, 12
New Addition to the Home – Gita, 12

Young Vicki came to us last November. Her older sister Gita, 12 recently joined our home in March. Both sisters were happy to see each other again. Due to poverty in the village both their parents have died from illnesses. The family of their maternal uncle was looking after them including another sister. With the passing away of the mother a year ago the uncle is struggling to upkeep the three siblings and decided to seek help and put the sisters in our home. Vicki is settling well and pray that Gita will find new life in her new home.