Heeding the Call of God
Greetings from the cool highlands! The monsoon rains are here, bringing relief to the dry summer heat. With the recent election carried out successfully, the nation is at the crucial threshold of forming a new government. Pray for good able leaders to be instrumental in bringing concrete and rapid economic development to the nation.
In 2 weeks’ time, our 12th batch of 17 church planting trainees will graduate from our training center. Many of them have expressed a desire to start a new church once they return to their own villages. Pray that the Lord would lead and guide us in working with these candidates. Pray also for the construction progress of our new South Asia Missions Center facility. We target to complete the building by the end of this year.
Magnum Church is our 66th work planted down south in the central region. This latest work is among the landless people who are responding well to the Gospel. In our quarterly gathering in April, nearly a hundred of our pastors and their leaders came for the week long training conference. Many of the pastors gave encouraging progress reports of new converts and regular baptisms taking place in their work. You could sense the Spirit’s move across the nation.
Last month, our Children’s Home had 4 new additions – Rashim (5), Sapana (8), Manoj (8) and Shuraj (12). We now have 27 kids. 5 of them, having been home schooled for a year, have started attending regular schools in April for the first time in their lives! All of them are loving their new schools and making new friends.
Rice planting has begun in the valley fields and on the steep hill terraces. Often the padi fields are vast and plenteous. But in stark contrast, the laborers at work are few. The situation is similar in the spiritual harvest fields where there is a great need for Gospel workers. The population here is growing to 30 million but only close to a million have come to know and worship God. Sadly this disproportionate percentage reflects the spiritual condition in most parts of the world.
“When Jesus saw the crowds, he felt sorry for them because they were hurting and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Jesus said to his followers, “There are many people to harvest but only a few workers to help harvest them. Pray to the Lord, who owns the harvest, that he will send more workers to gather his harvest.”
Let’s respond and heed the call of our Master in praying, giving and going. Allow me to challenge you to decide and do one significant thing to the Lord’s harvest field in the remaining half of this year.