Hang On!

Dennis & Daisy

In our last update, we wrote about ‘Obedience Before Grace’ and mentioned ‘obstacles’. This time, we experienced more intensive obstacles as a further test for growth for both of us. After receiving news of my mom’s heart problem, both Daisy and my families in Singapore encountered some problems. As I look at Daniel swinging on our van, Matthew 22:37-40 came to my mind:

“Jesus replied: ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”

I felt God telling me, “Look at Daniel, smiling and hanging on. Hang on to the two commandments and smile. The situation may look bad and discouraging, but with these two, it will bring you further and your family shall be blessed.” I believe there are green lands and fresh streams ahead of us after we pass through this trying desert. Pray with us that we may continue to be strong and to be a better testimony for God.

Indeed, God never leaves us nor forsakes us. The day we received news of Daisy’s situation, God sent two brothers, from different places, to give us a surprise call. Their timing was opportune and they encouraged us. God demonstrates that He is still in control. (To our dear brothers, “Thank you!”.)

I CAN DO IT! – Daniel playing in the van

Rev. John Ollis (Australia) came and spent time with us in July and taught the students and outstation pastors in New Life Missionary Training School. The training was a success and all the students and pastors were more confident in their ministry. Rev. John taught on the importance of receiving the Rhema Word (God’s revealed Word to us through His written Word) daily, which propelled the students to seek God every morning. We also took this opportunity to spend time with Rev. John, learning from him privately and seeking his advice to boost the ministry here in the Eastern Visayas.

MENTOR MINISTRY – Rev John in class

In August and September, we sent our interns, Janice Ha (CNL) and Michelle Lee (FCBC), to CNL-Ormoc for a month. The outstation pastor was very encouraged by their ministry and more people were added to the church every week. Two water baptisms were conducted there during their stay. After Ormoc, the duo was also sent to Burauen to bless the church there. All of them had a good time of fellowship and ministry.

BLESSINGS – Michelle (left) and Janice (right) with Ps Belen and kids in Burauen

In September, Bro. James & Sis. Julie Lee (Bethel A/G) came to minister in CNL-Tacloban. They were involved in our Friday Youth Service and Sunday Main Service. During the 2 services, God moved powerfully and strengthened many believers. Sis. Julie spent time in the children’s church while her husband ministered to the youth and adults. They also brought along 2 boxes of used clothes which were distributed to our pastors, families & church members.

We thank God for these precious and timely visits as Daisy and myself are always very encouraged by their coming.

ANOINTED SPEAKER – James giving a challenging message

MINISTRY – James praying for the members

THANK YOU – Julie & the children’s church

Pray With Us!

  • Pray for Dennis’ mother for complete healing. 5 of her arteries are clogged.
  • Pray for Daisy’s family, for God to take control.
  • Good health and God’s protection for us as well as strength and focus to persevere on.
  • A 4-wheel drive, diesel-engine vehicle for us to move around in for ministry.
  • Additional resources for the new works that are waiting to start and for the students at New Life Missionary Training School.