Growing Deep
In March and June, we started a new combined youth fellowship for four of our outstation churches in Leyte. This being the first time, it was well received and attended by the youth. They had many things in common and shared not only in their identity in Christ, fellowship with one another but also their meals! They are excited that they can get together in this way and to know each other. It is also a way of exposing them to the wider family of Christians and being motivated to meet regularly in fellowship. Their meeting in this way is also a source of great encouragement for others who see their passion and love for God and their eagerness to serve Him.
We’re also very thankful and blessed to have all our outstation pastors attend the Global Discipleship Congress (GDC) in Manila from 22-25 May with 7,000 delegates from 64 countries. It was a great seminar that awakened us to return to the foundation of our Christian life and faith – discipleship. We were blessed, inspired and encouraged through GDC 2013.
“Thank God for His goodness and faithfulness in Tanauan Church and in our lives. He answered our prayer for provisions to repair our church roof. The work is almost complete. Thank you for contributing to this project. Glory to God! Do continue to pray that God will keep on pouring out His anointing and blessing to the community through Tanauan Church.” – Ps Ricardo Avila (#10 TANAUAN CHURCH)
The theme of GDC 2013 is for every believer to be a disciple of the Lord and to make disciples. We were able to send three of our leaders to this conference and once again we were refreshed and encouraged along with Centre of New Life (CNL-Singapore) delegates! God has indeed revealed the way that we must take and follow. As of now we are trying to incorporate what we’ve learnt first in our own lives and in our gatherings and outreaches.
Aside from our weekly Sunday services, we have a monthly youth gathering on every last Sunday of the month where we have games, sharing of testimonies, sharing of the Word and snacks. We hope to model and establish strong biblical relationships with the young people in our community through these gatherings.
In the Kingdom of God, children are precious before Him. We are constantly praying to resume our outreach/feeding program. Previously we had 30-40 regular children but have to temporarily postpone it because we feel we need to first have a permanent place to cater to the growing number of children and to prepare and plan how we can reach them spiritually and physically. We are looking forward by the help of God to acquire or rent a place where we could gather these children and be more effective in reaching their lives.
We must continue to do our service for the Lord and His people. There may be times that God will test our heart and faith in Him in many ways but we need to be steadfast and learn to endure for we know those who know how to endure will indeed gain and harvest much for the glory of God. Let our focus be unto Jesus and not in the present situation that we are in. The situation that we’re all in may be really serious and tough but let us keep in mind that the Lord that we serve is indeed aware and will always be in control. Let us all press in for our labor in the Lord that will never be in vain. (1 Corinthians 15:58) - Ps Samuel Vallespin (#14 MARIKINA CHURCH)