Green with Abundance
“You, O God, sent a plentiful rain,
Whereby You confirmed Your inheritance; When it was weary.”
Green now dominates the landscape of the fields and hills. June, July and August are rainy months. The rains have been good and plenteous much to the delight of many farmers. Green means a fertile and well-watered earth, full of life and vitality. Green shows God’s Goodness – the color of His impartiality and undeserved mercy.
Yet there are many people showered with this Divine goodness year after year who still do not know the true and living God. We need to pray for them – that through the churches planted in their midst, they may come to know Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior and render due worship and praise to Jesus’ Holy Name.
Church Planting Works
This year we saw 9 new churches planted by our trainees in remote villages – 6 in the Mid-West and 3 in the Central regions respectively. To the glory of God, we have crossed the 50 mark in the number of churches our missions centre has helped to start and establish. Pray that all theses churches will fulfill their purpose as “the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden” (Matt.5:14) so as to bring God’s truth to the many villages sitting in darkness.
Missions Centre
On July 15, our 11th batch of church planting training course started. 18 trainees (4 ladies and 14 men) across the nation were short-listed from over 50 applicants for the 3-months residential course. Pray with us that the Lord will once again raise gifted and effective church planters from this new batch of trainees.
Hope Trust Orphanage
The Social Welfare Council Services visited our home recently. The inspectors spoke to some of the children and found that most of them are happy. They are also very satisfied with the proper setup and clean living condition of the home. However they found one thing amiss – that we are living in the same place as the children. Though we have been staying in a separate flat from the children, it is against regulations for foreigners to be residing in the same compound. Since the start of the home, we have been living with the children for the last 7 years. This time, we have to move out. At the 11th hour, the Lord provided a nice and quiet house for us. It is about 15 minutes walk to the orphanage.
Everyday, C spends time with the young home-schoolers in the morning and the rest of the children in the early evening after school. We thank God that the children are not affected by our “leaving.” They take turns to visit us over the weekends and the older ones phone us from time to time. Do keep Suja and Asmi in your daily prayers. They are the house parents overseeing the home.
On a personal note
I want to thank the Lord for enlarging my ministry borders to the Philippines and East Asia recently. God has indeed been gracious and kind that He would use me in such a way for His Kingdom work. I am also grateful to C who never complains about my travels but continues to be a great support to me. My travels have also allowed me to visit my aged dad more often, of which I am always thankful to the church. I do ask for your prayers – that I will be a resourceful coach and support to my fellow co-workers and make positive contributions to the ministry works in these two mission fields.