God @ Work

J & C

“And you will be hearing of wars and rumors of wars; see that you are not frightened…”

Matthew 24:6
HARVEST FULL - Believers from CNL-Be


“Nepal Maoist rebels are murdering, beating, bombing and looting – all in the name of ‘protecting the people’” (Time magazine May 13, 2002). Such atrocities are taking place in remote villages outside of Katmandu. And it’s only a matter of time the capital city remains to be a safe haven. On the whole, the nation is on a downward spiral. Many businesses are winding up. Even the settled Indian community is packing and leaving for good. After fifteen years of operations here Singapore Airlines is closing down its office. This means that if there is any emergency evacuation, our national carrier will not be here for us. But Chris and I have decided that if it was time for us to go, we would leave on His timing.


In the natural, you sense only gloom and doom in the papers everyday. But on the spiritual level, GOD IS AT WORK! Recently both CNL-Nr and CNL-Be saw 11 and 22 baptisms respectively. Lately a handful of new people have also been going to CNL-Bg. The only thing that keeps us going is the Kingdom’s work. Laboring in these last days, we have learnt to see through spiritual eyes. Living in the end times, we must fix our eyes on Jesus – our solid rock foundation!


Harvest Bible School started in 2002 January. Our aim is to win students to Christ and to build them up spiritually. If the student is already a Christian, then we teach him how to love God. But if he is not, we endeavor to win him to Christ.

At present there are 34 students. They are divided into three groups. Youth, Upper Class and Lower Class. We meet regularly on Saturdays at 10am. The curriculum for the upper and lower classes are built on four foundations: (1) Children can know God our Creator, (2) God our Father, (3) Jesus and (4) God with Us, developed mainly through Scripture teaching. We believe that a child needs a well-balanced diet to develop a strong healthy body. Presenting these truths provide a healthy, well-balanced diet for the child’s spiritual growth.

As for the youth they are guided to know God better: (1) Feeling God’s Embrace, (2) Seeking God’s Guidance, (3) Beholding God’s Majesty and (4) Trusting God’s fairness. We hope to see growth, interest, and positive changes in the lives of NLCC kids. By God’s grace, we pray that their families would be touched too.

The Bible has revealed that in the last days, God will “turn the hearts of the fathers to their children…” (Malachi 4:6) Jesus has taught that children are not far away from heaven. He is giving us keys to reach them with love. May you stand with us in prayer with our Father for NLCC. Your prayers will make a great difference!

Please pray for:
  1. The faith of the pastors and believers will be strengthened. The work will continue to grow in the midst of current adversity.
  2. C’s weekly children’s church – Pray for effective sharing of the Gospel that hearts will be opened to Jesus
  3. Harvest Bible School – It will be soon up and running! We have taken the step of faith and trusting Father to provide for the facility and operating costs. A picture of the building is below.
  4. Himalayan Home of Refuge – Daniel, Jacob and Paul did well in the exams! They have grown attached to us and so are we to them. We are praying for possible contingencies if we are forced to leave. The decision will be tough.
  5. Foodcourt – God is our Keeper even in downtimes. He is keeping the business afloat and alive! The foodcourt is doing more than breaking even since sales started in January. The renewal of our business visa is due in June.
  6. Daily “coming ins and going outs” – Each morning we look to His grace and mercy for the day. For life here is both uncertain and unstable. Prayer is our only peace and assurance.