Fueled by Prayer

J&C, South Asia

“But with righteousness He will judge the poor, And decide with fairness for the afflicted of the earth; And He will strike the earth with the rod of His mouth, And with the breath of His lips He will slay the wicked.”

Isaiah 11:4

It was prayers that crushed the Iron Curtain regime of Romania and Poland, which led to the dramatic fall of the Berlin wall in the 1980s. In the early 1990s the end of Apartheid rule in South Africa was also brought about by prayers. Having lived in this tumultuous nation for the last 8 years, we now believe prayer does make a difference and has great power in disarming the dark and evil forces at work. We believe that the prayers of the saints around the world have brought about the peace accord for this nation. Fighting has ceased and the rebels have agreed to lock up their arms under UN supervision. The election of the new government is scheduled next year. We praise and thank God for hearing the cry of His people and responding so quickly.

This year our children’s home has grown to 26. The latest addition is a 7 year-old girl who arrived on 12 November. C and the children decided to name our newcomer – Samantha for her smiley and happy face. Samantha’s father died when she was only a baby and her family lives in a very poor, remote village. She is adjusting well to her new home.

Our church-planting ministry is also making good strides. This year we saw 16 new churches planted in remote villages and 3 plots of land purchased for church building. To date, our trainees have established 38 churches and acquired 11 plots of land.

We organised a youth camp in October in the mid-west region and more than 300 young people turned up

Without God, we can do nothing. Also without your encouraging support we would not have achieved so much for His Kingdom. As the year rounds up we are mindful of your faithful friendship and partnership in the Great Commission. THANK YOU for believing and empowering us in the Lord’s work!

From all of us (including our 2 dogs), we ask and pray for JESUS’ LOVE, JOY AND PEACE to fill you and your family this Christmas and the New Year!