Fruits of Eternity

J & C

For the first time, countrymen are fighting each other. Both the army and the rebels are suffering heavy casualties.

The rebels are on a forced recruitment drive that have caused many youths to flee from their villages. Meanwhile in the capital, the main political parties are rising up against the king in his recent take over of power after the government failed to solve the nation’s current insurgency and economic crisis. Major street protest marches are expected in the coming days. We can only look to God and put our hope in Him for this nation.

CNL-Nr Committed & unshakeable

My regular visits to some of our churches are often hampered by the current security problems. Yet, the churches are doing well and are preserved by God’s grace. Believers meet regularly without fail. Each week there are new ones who come to hear and find comfort in God’s word.

We are in the process of acquiring a good sized piece of land for CNL-Be which has grown to over 100 believers. The current place is packed weekly and we are in need of a bigger and more permanent building for our gatherings.

Our first batch of trainees have just completed their 12 week training course in the HARVEST MISSIONS CENTRE. They commented that their faith indeed has been built up and strengthened . They are all ready to return to their villages and to start telling of God’s good and great News! Within a year, we hope to see a new church established.

Housing Relief For Flood Victims

Thank you for responding to the housing relief for some of our believers. 1 of the 3 houses that require complete rebuilding will be completed next month. Kajee is looking forward to the home dedication! The rebuilding of the other 2 houses will be completed in another 2 months.

Due to be completed next month, Kajee is full of praise to God for providing a new home. He has booked us in advance for the home dedication!

10 families received funds to repair part of their homes damaged by the monsoon rains. Repair works will be made to damaged roofs, weakened foundations, broken walls, washed-out toilets, etc.

6 new beds complete with cotton mattresses and blankets were delivered to 6 homeless old folks that are now staying in the church. All the believers who received your aid are overwhelmed by God’s timely provision. Their hearts are truly filled with gratitude and they want me to help relay their thankfulness to you for your generous giving. Thank you again for your timely help!

This Bible verse reminds me of you and your good deed – “And let our people also learn to engage in good deeds to meet pressing needs, that they may not be unfruitful” (Titus 3:14)