Faith Projects

Dennis & Daisy, Philippines

Thank you for interceding and supporting the work in the Philippines. I had just return from ministry at our newest work in Borongan City. Ps Samuel, his wife and their 4 children are adjusting well in their new environment. Thank God that all his children managed to be enrolled in a public school near their house. God had also given them favor and opened numerous families for them to reach out to. Presently, they are leading 5 bible study groups. Borongan Church had her first Sunday Celebration Service on 3 July, held in a small hall beside ESADEF Gymnasium. 25 people attended the Service.

Pray with us that the present 5 bible study group members will become committed in their walk with Jesus and will reach out to their friends and colleagues together with Ps Samuel and his wife.

Our latest work in Eastern Samar now has 25 believers. Ps Samuel is renting a small hall for the weekly service

Ps Samuel and his family are our station workers for Borongan Church

We give praise and glory to God for raising new leaders for His work. One of our graduates from our 2nd batch of New Life Missionary Training school, Criselda, is now sent to Catarman Church in Northern Samar. She is assisting our outstation pastor, Ps Lucresio. Last month 13 members were baptized at the seaside of Northern Samar. There are about 55 members worshipping in Catarman Church today. Recently, they managed to lease a piece of land to build a church building. Pray with us as we rally the believers to contribute to the construction costs.

Criselda (front) is a graduate from our 2nd batch of students now serving with us

13 members were baptised in the sea near Catarman

The believers are starting to build their own church

Our outstation worker of Catarman and Makiwalo Churches

12 July marked the beginning of our 3rd batch of students at the New Life Missionary Training School. This year we have 6 students. Pray for new workers to be raised up by God through this batch to pioneer new churches in the unreached regions of the Philippines.

NLMTS 3rd batch of church planter students

A team from Centre of New Life (S’pore) will be coming to Borongan Church in September this year and we look forward to hosting them. As the works grow, Daisy and I are kept busy. Please continue to pray for good health and strength.