Faith that Lives and Perseveres On
“That I know Him and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to his death, if, by any means, I may attain to the resurrection from the dead.”
JAMBU CHURCH - The faithful in a persecuted community
Jambu Church was planted in late 2003 after Ps JBS attended our 3rd church-planting training course. From the nearest road, it takes 3 days to walk to JBS’ highly remote village. It is situated within a district which was totally controlled by rebels at that time. When they knew that JBS started a small fellowship in his house, they beat him up and forced him to stop importing Christianity into the village. JBS was not intimidated but shared his faith whenever he could. Slowly a small group of growing believers began to gather regularly.
Many times, JBS was forced to attend the rebels’ mass propaganda meetings. The time came when he was enlisted for training but he refused and stood his ground. They beat him up so badly that he could not see and hear properly on one side for some time.
Because JBS refused to join the rebels, they forced him to feed a section of their army for a month, which depleted their grain. Thank God for the small group of believers who shared their food with JBS and his family during that difficult time.
Last Christmas, JBS requested for an outreach program by our evangelistic team. Nearly 500 people, including the rebels, turned up for the special event! And for the first time, the Jesus’ film was shown in the village. Later, the very rebels who beat JBS came and apologized to him.
Today JBS leads two small churches of about 35 believers each. Each group meets in two separate places within 4 hours walking distance apart. Recently, some believers gave 10,000 sq.ft of their land for building a church. Upon request, a brother gave S$3,750 to help erect the two church buildings. The believers are going to build a 200 seating capacity hall for their weekly worship service soon.
Thank you again for your prayers and giving towards our ministry. You have not only enabled us to train and raise local pastors like JBS, but also to empower them to reach their own people with the Gospel. Let us sing and shout “JESUS IS ALIVE!” Let Christ’s resurrection power fill our hearts and enable us to stand and face all challenges in life.
Hope Trust Orphanage –
Melinda and Megan will be joining the other children in their new school year starting from mid-April. For our home expansion, please pray that the Lord would lead and direct us in looking for a good piece of land to buy so as to build a permanent home for the children and ministry.
We’ll be going to school soon!
New Life Leadership Missions Centre –
Praise the Lord that last month we purchased a 30,000 sq.ft. land for building a new and proper training centre. Just as how God showed His servant David, pray that the Lord will also give us His design for the new centre.
30,000 SQ. FT. OF LAND
We’re in the process of designing the centre
10th Church Planting Training Course -
After 3 months of in-house training with us, the 10th batch of 17 trainees graduated on 6 April. Seven to eight of them have indicated that they are praying to start a new church in their home village upon returning. Do pray with and for them.
Graduation on 6 April 07
Church Building Progress –
The church buildings for Daisy, Nectarine and Tulip churches have been completed. In progress is Nectar Church. A believer in Buttercup Church has given his land for the church. A sum of $2,500 has been raised and given to help build the church for the growing work. Buttercup together with the two churches in Jambu, will start to build their own church buildings soon. Let’s pray for these works to be established with a great harvest of souls in each area.
The completed building stands like a lighthouse on a hill