Expanding Dream
Just as God has put within J’s heart to plant churches in this country, God has placed in my heart a desire to start an orphanage. This seed was planted within me way back in 1989. This did not happen until 10 years later, in 1999, when I shared this desire with three personal friends. Together with their support, the orphanage began in 2000 with 2 boys. Our intention was to keep the Home small, accommodating 10 to 12 children. Our three faithful friends have, since the beginning, been with us supporting, praying and visiting regularly. I am also very thankful to CNL for giving us the blessing and for standing with us in this journey.
Interestingly in 2004 when Ps Steven Teo visited us, he encouraged us to go beyond the boundaries of our backyard and especially for me, expanding the Home. We gave serious thought to his suggestion and prayed over it. Then in March 2005, we took up the challenge when God opened the door for us. I still remember reading a cartoon of two Eskimos fishing: One is sitting beside a small hole he’s cut in the ice, which is the same shape and size as his bucket. The other eskimo is grinning as he waits beside the huge hole he’s cut – the shape and size of a whale! I thank God for Operation Hope Foundation (OHF) who came in at a very timely moment, willing to run with us in establishing a 120 children orphanage in this country. (CNL has graciously agreed to continue to support me even as I am now seconded to OHF).
We want to thank you for your prayers. Our Home is now officially registered as a local non-government organisation. We want to praise and thank the Lord for moving His hand on our behalf in the registration process, which seemed to take forever to process. At the moment, we have 17 children (12 boys & 5 girls) aged between 4 to 13 years old. We intend to expand and reach out to provide a home for 120 children in the years to come. One of our immediate plans is to search for a suitable piece of land to build a proper orphanage with facilities.
Presently, our younger children love to sing and are able to read, often with a finger following the words on the page. They interact well with friends in school because they are taught how to treat others well, how to talk nicely, share and apologise when they are in the wrong. I also teach them to pray to Jesus when they are afraid in the night.
As for the older ones, I focus on teaching them the ‘whys’ and the ‘hows’. They are encouraged to explore new options when confronted with difficulties and to search for answers on their own. They also learn how to be responsible and above all, to accept the consequences of their actions. They are slowly growing to discern between good and bad.
Words cannot express how much I am grateful to God for using me in this ministry. I am very thankful to you for all the support we have been getting and I believe we will continue to receive God’s blessings from each other in the days ahead.
Prayer Pointers
Political Situation -
In response to the rebels’ announcement of a 3-month ceasefire, the army has denounced the truce as a ploy and will continue its operations against the rebels. In the capital, there are daily street protests against the government. Keep praying for a new peace initiative to come forth.
Leadership Harvest Centre -
We completed our 7th church planting training course in September. Pray that some of the trainees will start new works when they return to their own villages. Due to the high demand, we are increasing our next student intake to 16. Agree with us that the Lord will surely meet our needs.
Vision 200/20 –
To establish 200 vibrant churches in 20 years in the Himalayan regions where there is no church.
Goal 200/2 –
To have 200 believers in 2 years for each church planted.
Ask the Lord to fulfill this vision and goal by enabling us to start and grow 10 new churches every year. We praise the Lord for the 20 churches that were started through our training centre. Remember these churches and their pastors in your daily prayers as they operate in such difficult times. The rebels have forced some churches to close in the Eastern region.
Orphanage -
Praise the Lord for the successful registration of our home as a local NGO. We are looking at acquiring land now. Pray for God’s choice of land and the supply of resources. Please ask God to send good and suitable workers to help C manage the growing home.
Pastoral Conference Nov 28-30 –
This is an annual get together for our 20 outstation works. The theme of the retreat will be “Serving God As A Family”. Pray that bonding and ties will be strengthened during the 3-day teaching and recreation.