Daring Faith
Dennis & Daisy
We wish you all a Blessed and Successful New Year! May God grant you more wisdom from His Word as you seek Him daily in your devotion.
Jesus said in John 14:12, “Anyone who has faith in Me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these” This year we believe God will do greater things through New Life Christian Mission (NLCM).
We thank God for the encouragement to start a Bible School in Tacloban. The school will be known as New Life Christian Mission Training School. Our goal is to train more labourers for the Harvest. In other words we wish to train more church planters and ministers working in partnership with NLCM. It is a one-year training program and our class will commence on 4 February 2003. The day will start at 6:30 am and end at 5:00 pm. Theory will be taught in the morning and hands-on lessons are scheduled in the afternoon. Currently, we have 6 students enrolled for this course. Daisy and myself are excited about NLCMTS and at this moment we are the only 2 teachers teaching in this programme. Please include our names in your daily prayers. Pray for God's strength and wisdom for us to train new labourers. Pray, too for teachers to come and teach in our school on their own expenses.
Presently, we are looking for sponsors to contribute financially to help us to buy Bible dictionaries, books, tables and shelves for the classrooms, beds for students, renovation and furnishings for the school and church. If you wish to be a part of this project, please write to us at nlcm@cnl.org.sg.
Last year was baby Daniel's first Christmas. Three of us had a simple celebration together and our joy is to see him unwrapping his gifts. Daniel is 10 months old now and has 6 teeth. He is learning to stand and talk. We praise and thank God for him as it has always been an advantage for us to meet new people through him. They would come and play with him and that allows our conversation to go on further. Pray with us that these people will come to know Christ on a deeper level.
Once again, thank you for your prayers and financial support. God Bless!