Uplifted in Spirit
It has been challenging lately because one member has stopped coming to church.
During Thanksgiving last year, we accompanied this member and his wife to meet his sister. The main reason for the meeting was to reconcile the brother with his sister. Two days ago, he had slapped her in a fit of rage. So we arranged for this meeting to help this family mend their relationship in and through the love of Christ.
That night was particularly memorable, especially for his sister and wife. The sister was so touched by her brother’s love and sincerity that she not only forgave him for slapping her, she even loaned him money to clear off his large debt.
If you forgive those who sin against you, your heavenly Father will forgive you. But if you refuse to forgive others, your Father will not forgive your sins.
If someone slaps you on the right cheek, offer the other cheek also.
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