Another Great Year! Thank You, Lord!

Another Great Year! Thank You, Lord!
THANK YOU, AUNTIES AND UNCLES! WE LOVE YOU - 35 children and house parents from the Home

Now is the time of the year when we look back and count God’s wonderful blessings! It’s time to acknowledge how awesome and faithful He is, always being there for you and me, seeing us through the year.

It’s another great year of ministry for us serving the Lord in the Himalayas. The highlight was experiencing His grace and faithfulness in bringing our new WTJ missions centre facility to completion in February.

COMPLETED IN FEBRUARY 2009! - WTJ Missions Centre
COMPLETED IN FEBRUARY 2009! - WTJ Missions Centre

Much thanks and appreciation to you who believed in the building project and gave generously in obedience to the Lord. You helped turn the vision into a reality!

C and I are always thankful to God for the way you have continually supported the work here all these years. Without your faithful support, we would not have come this far in our ministry service today. So we are pleased to give you another year of good report of the Lord’s great and mighty works in our midst.


We did it!
WE DID IT! - 14th batch of 20 students

We successfully conducted our 13th and 14th church planting course at the new WTJ missions centre for a total of 38 students. From the 13th batch, 10 trainees were selected and each planted a new church in their village. We are in the midst of selecting potential church planters from the 14th batch who are eager to reach their village for Christ. To date, 190 have graduated from our 3-month in-house training program. Next year we will work towards getting accreditation from an established Bible College in Bangalore.


This year 12 new churches in remote villages were planted. Since our training course started in 2001 we have initiated and helped established a total of 88 churches. 33 churches are now self-supporting and 11 have already sent out church planters to start new churches in the surrounding region.


5 plots of land were acquired for our growing churches this year. One of them is over 80,000 square feet in area situated in the West. With the provision of this sizeable land, we are praying and considering to build a second centre to cater for the training needs in the western part of this country. Currently pastors from the west have to take about 2 days to reach WTJ missions centre near the capital. Do pray with us!

With the land purchased the previous year, 5 churches completed constructing their church buildings this year, well within the 6 months period given to them to put up their buildings by. To date, 28 pieces of land have been acquired for churches that show potential for growth and expansion and 24 churches already have a permanent building for their weekly worship and gathering.


We now have a total 35 children consisting of 22 boys and 13 girls in the children’s home. This year we had 6 new intakes with the latest addition of a pair of siblings who came in September. Lucas (4) likes to sing and Sophie (6) moves to the music! Both love to be hugged.

The current premise is getting small and we hope to move to a bigger place in the next three months. As our children are getting bigger and more needy children are constantly knocking at our door, please ask the Lord to lead us into His expansion plan in this ministry.

We praise the Lord for another year of rewarding and fruitful ministry where lives are touched for Christ and funds have been put to good use for the Lord’s kingdom work. As the year is drawing to a close, let’s seek the Lord for His counsel and ponder on what He is installing for us in the New Year. Indeed in Him we will have a delightful and secure inheritance.

Wishing you & your family a very blessed Christmas & a favorable New Year!