Age of The Unthinkable Has Begun

J & C

CNL-Nr The fruit of much prayer and toil with joy

This year I completed teaching the 3rd batch of students in the local A/G Discipleship Training Centre. One of the regular subjects I teach is the book of Revelations. Lately I was intrigued by the verse Matthew 24:15 – “Therefore when you see the Abomination of Desolation…” This is one of the signs to look out for our Lord’s return in the last days. Many scholars believe this to be the desecration of God’s Holy Temple rebuilt in Israel. Whatever it is, the thing done will be unthinkable.

When Y2K became a non-event the world embraced year 2000 with new hopes for a new age. But 2001 unfolded in a totally opposite picture. For us living in South Asia the unthinkable began earlier – the bizarre massacre of the entire royal family on June 1. Then came the Sept 11 attacks on WTC in US. What we see in movies has become reality! Life has never become so insecure and unstable to many of us living today.

There is no doubt we are now living at the threshold of the end times. Our Lord Jesus may return sooner than expected. The fact remains: there is so much left to do in the limited time we have. We must now do those things that matters most to our Father’s heart – i.e. to share Jesus and win souls for His Kingdom! Let’s make our life count in these last days!

May you bring the peace of Christ to someone’s heart this year-end season. Have a blessed Christmas and purposeful 2002!

Field Profile

Toilet - Even the toilet was our own labor!

I am Ps NC. With me are my wife and two-year old son. Before my son was born there was no church in my area. We started CNL-Nr with only a handful of believers. Today we have about fifty members and fifteen children attending weekly worship service. Last month we baptized four new believers from the Tharus, an unreached people group. Please pray with us as we seek to penetrate this people group with the Gospel and win them for Christ!

Because you gave the land, we were able to build the church. Thank you for giving to the Lord’s work. For more than a year we worshipped in an old chicken farm. During monsoon, water seeped through the mud floor. Now we worship without worry about the rains. Thanks to you, God has made this possible through your giving.