Uncountable Testimonies and Unending Praise

We celebrated CTM Church’s third anniversary and held our annual AGM on 27 July. Besides holding board elections and presenting secretarial & financial reports, we also paid tribute to God for leading us these past 3 years. The weeks leading up to the AGM saw many members busy preparing reports and audits. I casually picked up a copy and began to read a paragraph or two. What I saw made my heart swell with deep gratitude and praise unto God. It reads:

“Although our numbers did not increase by leaps and bounds, yet the number of our bible classes grew significantly; Although the number of children attending Sunday School remains the same, yet their ability to recite Scriptures increased manifold; Although we remain at 11 attendees, yet our faith expanded beyond borders.”

CTM Church Baptism Day

What is most praiseworthy and heartwarming to us as pastors of CTM Church, is how everyone is experiencing God’s presence and leading. How they are being transformed and growing in love for one another (your affairs are my affairs).

Not long ago, we witnessed one such amazing turnaround testimony of a sister – her relationship with God and with fellow CTM brothers and sisters. Not long after she accepted the Lord, she went home for the Spring Festival and was persecuted by her family. She tend to bemoan God for many things in life. Her common complaint is “God blesses others but not me… Nobody loves me… I’ve never dated in my life!” Almost to the point of self-pity, she slowly drifted away from God and from the church. When members saw what was happening, they were unwilling to let this precious sister backslide and immediately fasted and prayed for her, asking God to intervene.

Miraculously, a few weeks later, this sister suddenly felt a sharp pain in her abdomen. She rushed to see a doctor and discovered that her appendix has ruptured and needed immediate surgery. She was alone and frightened. Once church members were notified of her condition, they immediately went to see her, transferred her to another hospital and sent her into surgery. After the procedure was over, she was wheeled into the general ward where members waited for her. They brought her home-cooked meals and even accompanied her through the night. They took this opportunity to give her bible study while she recuperated in the hospital. They literally helped nurse her back to health – physically and spiritually.

When she was discharged a week later, she was teary with unspeakable gratitude and joy. There was no longer self-pity and anger towards God. From then till now, she is a totally different person, a life truly transformed by God through His people. She comes regularly for fellowship and brings others with her. One day, she looked through some of her old bible study notes and commented, “How could I have come up with such childish answers?”

It is God who causes people to grow (1 Cor 3:7) Not only this sister, but everyone. May God grant us uncountable testimonies and unending thanksgiving. All glory to God!