A Time To Give Thanks

Something sweet is in the air
SOMETHING SWEET IS IN THE AIR - Candy for kids – young and old

I’m not sure if Thanksgiving Day is solely a western tradition or is it also celebrated in other parts of the world but since coming to this city, I’ve made it a point to reflect during this season on what has taken place this year and to praise God for what He has blessed us with and what He has allowed us to be partakers of.

As I look back, I’m thankful for your continual partnership. Be it unceasing prayers, generous giving, uplifting encouragement and member-care or serving of short termers, each contribution has been a holy sacrifice through which God is fulfilling His purpose here.

One significant breakthrough that we are seeing is greater unity between the different church networks. Prior to this year, most pastors have worked separately, being suspicious of one another. Now they are coming together to pray for one another and to reach different sectors of this city. This is a praise that we want to give to God, for showing us that such unity is His standard and not mere human ideal.

While the local church is being strengthened and are rising up, the enemy is also hard at work. Certain leaders are allowing past hurts to stand in the way of them relating to other pastors, hence isolating themselves. Cult groups like Jehovah’s Witness and Mormons are also active here. Please lift the local body that they will be grounded in the Word and so be able to discern truth from lies. Ask that they will continue to unite as one Body and to love as Jesus had taught.

Another area that we are thankful for are the people that God is bringing to this city who have a heart to reach the deaf, the poor and the Muslims. These are communities that currently do not yet have a reproducing church in their midst.

Pray with us as we continue to serve together in missions. May you have a blessed Christmas and New Year ahead!