Special Feature
New Missions Centre in 2008
In 2002, the Lord gave us a vision for South Asia – Vision 200/20: “To establish 200 vibrant churches in 20 years in regions where there is no church.” To achieve this, we started a training centre in South Asia to raise church planters to fulfill the task.
Our 1st church planting course started with 4 trainees in 2002 and this year we completed our 11th course with 18 trainees. To-date, we trained a total of 135 leaders and from each batch of trainees God raised up 51 church planters who have started many new village churches. Since our 3rd intake, demand for our training has been growing steadily, with over 60 applications coming in for our latest intake. Unfortunately, our current place can only accommodate 18 trainees at one time. God is also turning our training centre into a national missions centre as more and more established churches in this nation are turning to us to help them plant daughter churches in their districts. We need a larger premise.
So by faith and with the help of God’s people, we purchased a 30,000sqft piece of land in March 2007. We have also drawn up plans for the 2½ storey building with a built-up area of 8,000sqft. The budget set is S$200,000. After much prayer and thinking, we came up with a fund raising strategy for the first S$100,000 – to either get 10 people to contribute $10,000 each, or 20 people to give $5,000 each, or a combination of both. We praise and thank God for a very generous and faithful supporter who has pledged to see the centre through to its completion.
God has brought us half way up the mountain. Would you pray and consider to be His instrument and help us get to the top? Join us in this building project for the glory of His Name and for the welfare of His people (Nehemiah 1:11 & 2:10).
You can contribute by making cheques payable to “CENTRE OF NEW LIFE” indicating “South Asia Missions Centre” at the back of the cheque and mailing it to Blk 211, Henderson Road, #07-04, Henderson Industrial Park, S’pore 159552.