On the Path of Meaning

Reflection by Lim Zhi Jing

My highlight in 2023 is graduating from Fuller Theological Seminary in June. The latter stretch was much better as I slowed down on the number of courses I took and was better able to savour what I learnt.

This year really feels like wandering in the wilderness. The landscape everywhere is bare. As I look at the business landscape of South Asia it seems like the conditions are so hostile -- demand is low, capital is scarce, businesses are bellying up. Just as the burning bush in Exodus 3:2 was such a miracle for Moses (it burnt and was not consumed),  so it is for me. If any enterprise is still alive in this kind of environment, it is reason enough for us to go closer and see this great sight.

It is hard to be in the wilderness without feeling poor. This year I feel like I am on a downward journey towards the pit, and it is a painful journey filled with self-pity and low self-esteem. But I know this way is good for the soul, even if it is bad for my ego. “...ego thrives on success, and the soul finds vitality in meaning.” - Father Greg Boyle.

The road to success is narrow and one directional, whereas the path of meaning is more forgiving and truthful. We are learning how to change, take off the shackles of productivity and success and to learn new language of meaning through the word of God, in order that we can encourage all who, like us, struggle with worth and value in life. As a team we have also decided that in 2024, apart from South Asia, we will visit more partners, both old and new in other countries such as Philippines and Malaysia. We pray that we may see God’s meaningful hand at work and to join Him in what He is already doing.


We go to the margins not to help the poor, but to realise who we are when we are there.

Father Greg Boyle