Vision for Eternity

When you have a vision for 10 years, plant trees; When  you have a vision for a lifetime, plant people; When you have a vision for eternity, plant churches.

Sydney, Pastors Lawrence & Helen Ong

The year 2021 was full of surprises for our mission work in Australia. For almost half the year we underwent a severe lockdown due to the pandemic. Life was difficult but we managed to keep ourselves afloat through weekly meetings via zoom. Although it was difficult, we continued with our meetings. What was amazing is the Lord watching over our progress.

At the turn of the year, He gave us a new worship premise for the Chinese congregation against all odds. Securing an inexpensive & good hall in Sydney is impossible as all good premises had already been taken up by other churches. Apparently, there was a major mix-up by the previous occupier which allowed us to book the place. On top of that, the Lord sent us a theologically trained Chinese pastor. The Chinese work was promptly launched and despite the pandemic during last Christmas 2020, we had about  60 in attendance.

As an endorsement of our work and affirmation that God is with us, He provided a new worship hall for the English/Iranian service. This was an answer to prayers for an additional venue because of time restriction, it is too tight to hold both Chinese and Farsi services in one location. This new hall thus gives space to grow both services. Eastwood is primarily a Chinese area hence the Chinese congregation should have full rein over the place. The new worship hall is in Granville, a Muslim area which is a good base for our Iranian congregation.

Because of the pandemic, outreach events were severely hampered. Notwithstanding we still maintain a group of 40-50 Iranians whilst the newly formed Chinese church grew to about 30 regulars. We are confident the two groups will continue to grow post-pandemic. Meanwhile, we exercise Christian patience and use whatever means to link our members. Finance-wise, collections has shown a downtrend, but the situation is mitigated by the Australian pandemic cash boost and donations from faithful supporters.

CNL-Sydney is currently exploring the feasibility of launching a new work in Melbourne. Pray for this new outreach, which will transform CNL-Sydney into a mother church sponsoring this new work.

The challenges we face are many. Recently, we encountered a major leadership scuffle in both the Farsi and Chinese congregation. It led to some members leaving the groups. Keeping the leaders focussed on the task at hand is one of the greatest challenges. We need your prayer and wisdom from God to overcome this problem. The Chinese work currently consists of people coming from five denominations. I surmise even Solomon will have difficulty keeping them unified.

God is good, He raised 3 couples who possess the maturity to keep the community unified and purposeful. We are poised despite the problems for the new year and are looking forward to a great harvest in 2022