The Lord's Great Commission

The Lord's Great Commission

The presence and purpose of the Church is to bring good deeds and blessings to their surrounding environment, community, and even to become a lighthouse. What the Church is to do besides all these good works is to fulfill God’s Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20).

CTM’s first year went by quickly. Fortunately, we managed to establish the church’s overall organizational and operational plan, including an annual calendar of events for different months of the year. This helps our young church to be more effective in preparing and planning for upcoming outreaches, such as the type of events for the season, promotional activities, publicity medium, etc. Our goal is to mobilize the entire church in participating in the work of evangelism.

For the past 2 months, CTM launched a new program called “Happy Friday” (Alpha Course). The reason why we started this program is because we believe that the work of the gospel is not just for the select few but is the responsibility of every believer. At the same time, this is to give those who want to share the Gospel but don’t know how to, a platform to invite their colleagues, friends and relatives to attend a 13-week introduction course to Christianity. Each week, we provide food, games, songs, a listening ear and room to chat.

Happy Friday

Towards the end of this 13-week Happy Friday Alpha Course is the climax of the entire program, called the Holy Spirit Week. We thank God for a great outpouring of His presence that week upon all who were present, both believers and seekers. Many cried, fell, kneeled in worship and spoke in tongues. Our God is so wonderful, so real! (1 Cor 14: 22, 25).

The Holy Spirit Week

With the session coming to an end, many seemed reluctant to part ways. However, the journey was not entirely smooth-sailing or pleasant. Everyone, from church members to invited guests, had to make certain sacrifices, especially when we have to prepare dinner for 30+ people every week. But in spite of the hassel, whenever we receive compliments from guests such as “I can deeply feel your love,” and “I look forward to coming every Friday,” we immediately find great joy and satisfaction. Greater joy and satisfaction will come when guests decides to give their lives to Jesus. Truly praise be to God!