Little is Our Comfort

December 2010 marked our 3rd year in this city! During this time, as we focused on church-planting, we inevitably learnt that  planting strong and healthy churches first requires building strong and healthy leaders and workers. It’s easy to convert people here, but difficult and time consuming to disciple them. Therefore we seek to come alongside local pastors by helping them deal with the challenges involved in transforming the belief-systems and lives of church members.

The vision is clear but the path towards it isn’t always straightforward. We need to be flexible enough to think along with them and yet firm enough to hold them accountable to God’s word. Although it pains us to see some of them make decisions based on their own interests and intellect, we’re constantly reminded that who else but God and God alone who can do the necessary transformation?

Besides coaching local pastors, we are also modeling for them and their members how to lead cell group meetings by conducting one at our home. Those under our care have flourished and the transformation is tangibly obvious. One example is sister “Little” – a small, quiet girl without any prominence. Her sister brought her to church two years ago.  She said the sinner’s prayer and was baptized then but she had no understanding of the bible or what it means to be a follower of Christ. A fellow brother, in turn, introduced her to us and asked that we disciple her. We gladly agreed and she subsequently joined the cell group in our home.

“Little” was given the opportunity to lead the Ice-Breaker session at the start of the cell meeting. She did it so wholeheartedly and well that she quickly became the group’s favorite games-master for group gatherings. It’s hard to imagine that such a timid girl could become so gregarious and outgoing. Indeed, people judge by outward appearance, but God looks at the heart. (1 Sam 16:7 )

As we continue to disciple her, she grew in her relationship with God and with us, opening up to share her personal thoughts and struggles with her atheistic father. Once, she was badly beaten up by him during one of her visits home. Instead of succumbing to parental pressure, she persisted in her pursuit of God, studying the bible and praying daily in order to know Him more. Two months ago, she not only stepped up to the challenge in sharing God’s word in the cell group, she’s also leading and nurturing new believers of the group through the Alpha Course.

God is faithful. He always sends His comfort when we need it. And this time, “Little” is that comfort!

(ref Mat 28:19 )