Keeping in Prayer

The Unreached
The Unreached

The voice of your watchmen–they lift up their voice; together they sing for joy; for eye to eye they see the return of the LORD to Zion. (Isaiah 52:8)

I am not writing from my East Asia location but from good old Singapore.  I was back for Chinese New Year and since then 3 weeks have passed.  It had been a good time of resting and catching up with family and friends

When I was told that it was time to submit another update, my immediate response was, “What do I have to write about?  I’m here and far away from the people I advocate for.  I don’t know what’s been going on for them so what can I update on?”  But then, I remember a conversation I had with a local believer just before I left for home.  He requested, “Please ask your home church to pray for us.”  “Yes, I’ll do that,” I replied.

Thank you for praying for our brothers and sisters in East Asia.

Prayer Pointers


Pray for Dong and her group as they reach out to families and youths with the gospel truth.


Pray for J and his group in their campus ministries and their vision to send workers to the nations in the Middle East.


Pray for Luo and his group as they reach out to the business community with the gospel truth.


Pray for L and his group in their ministries to the Hui and Mongol ethnic groups


Pray for Hong and her group in their efforts in raising a godly generation to reach out and disciple the next generation.


Pray for Xin and his group in his campus and grassroots ministries as well as their vision to bring the gospel back to Jerusalem.


Pray for Chun and her husband as they work towards setting up a house group in their home and for them to know their specific role(s) in Great Commission work.