East Asia Traning Centre

SCAFFOLD WORK – Our purpose, like temporary tree bracing, is to empower the local Church to becoming self-governing, self-supporting and self-propagating.

The burden for East Asia continues to remain strong amongst many. In the past, overseas Christians helped by offering bible training to local churches and they did this by travelling around the country on a regular basis, spending a few days teaching in each church. While it has helped to a certain extent, many were unable to identity the local community’s felt needs and struggles.  In fact, local leaders wished travelling teachers would stay behind and help them just like how Jesus did with His twelve disciples. In addition, many would seek out and learn from all kinds of teachers – even those of questionable backgrounds. Their belief that the more teachers one has, the better off one is has also led them to view training as an end in itself.  Coupled with their lack of spiritual discernment, the rise of heresy and dissent is fast becoming a threat to the Church today. With such a vast need here, even if existing ministries were to replicate themselves and new ministries started, it would still not be enough to bring in the harvest. One of the most pressing need now is to start training centres to produce workers for the harvest.


Many believers with the calling for ministry do not have access to appropriate channels to grow and develop in their character and competency. Often, many of them assume leadership without much biblical & character foundation, making them easy targets for cults. Those already in ministry are also unable to integrate biblical principles with life. Not only do we need to train them to be balanced in the Word, we also need to equip them to be spirit-led visionary leaders able to usher in the kingdom of God on earth till Christ returns.

We hope to raise up disciples through systematic training and practical mentoring with the intent of sending them out to plant and pastor new churches – rightly integrating knowledge and service, Word and Work.

2-in-1 Church Planting Programme:

  • Apollos Training Programme: Equipping current church leaders with Bible Knowledge, Character Transformation and Ministry Skills.
  • Upper Room Training Programme: Preparing, Sending and Mentoring leaders with the calling to plant new churches.