East Asia Training Centre

The Vision

Many believers with the calling for ministry do not have access to appropriate channels to grow and develop in their character and competency. Often, many of them assume leadership without much biblical & character foundation, making them easy targets for cults. Those already in ministry are also unable to integrate biblical principles with life. Not only do we need to train them to be balanced in the Word, we also need to equip them to be spirit-led visionary leaders able to usher in the kingdom of God on earth till Christ returns.

We hope to raise up disciples through systematic training and practical mentoring with the intent of sending them out to plant and pastor new churches – rightly integrating knowledge and service, Word and Work.

2-in-1 Church Planting Programme:

Apollos Training Programme: Equipping current church leaders with Bible Knowledge, Character Transformation and Ministry Skills.

Room Training Programme: Preparing, Sending and Mentoring leaders with the calling to plant new churches.

APOLLOS Training Programme is designed for pastors and lay leaders who are already in ministry and are unable to attend full-time training. It is a 3-year part-time course, with classes held 4 times a year and each class’ duration is for 13 days, which means ministers will only need to be absent from the pulpit one Sunday at a time. When students graduate, they would have completed 5-months worth of training. This course commenced in May 2011.

The first cohort of 38 students have done well, so far completing 3 out of a total of 12 courses. The second cohort of 32 students will start their 1st course in December this year.

When students complete this first programme, selected candidates will move on to the next level – UPPER ROOM Training Programme, a 9-month full-time church-planters course that comes with a 1-year supervised practicum of planting a church.

The goal of this Centre is to start a church-planting movement that enables local churches to plant vibrant, Word-based and Spirit-led daughter churches in every town of this country. We believe in achieving this in our generation. Want to join in? Do contact us for more details.

2012 Target = S$36,000
(Centre Expenses @S$2,500/mth, Trainer Expenses @S$1,000/mth)

If you’d like to give toward this project, please write cheque to “X-BORDER MISSIONS” & indicate EATC at the back of the cheque and post it to 30 Purvis Street, #02-02, Singapore 188607.